Ideas for how to create dynamic content on the website
Prompt: How might we convey a dynamic, lively community on the website with minimal to zero content curation or maintenance?
Quick / easy:
- Directory / map being populated with different co-ops
- Success stories being created and posted
- Incorporating social media (twitter, fb, etc)
More substantial ideas:
- Surfacing a sampler of all activity on the landing page
- Latest discussions (user-generated)
- Potential plugin from fb or slack
- Latest success stories (curated)
- Latest resources posted (user-generated)
- Latest co-op started (user-generated)
- Featured co-op of the month (curated)
- News (curated)
- Events (user-generated)
- Incorporating a reddit style upvote / downvote system
- Top rated resources
- Most replied to discussion
- Top rated tools
- etc
- Personalized page or “feed” upon signing up / logging in - Feedly style
- Identify categories that you are interested in - ex. Beauty (industry), co-ops in India (location), starting up (stage of operations), challenges, etc
- Get catered content based on other content tagged with those categories