October 25, 2018 - Platform Coop - Team Update Meeting

  • Features (for scheduling tool) - Trebor - need to look at what the competition is doing - e.g. Taskrabbit 
    • this is what Michelle is doing
  • Urbanclap.com in India - this is the “direct competition” - they offer all kinds of services
  • Resources to travel across the nodes of the SEWA universe - what is governance for you?
  • Site Redesign:
    • will have Avtar’s help - then new person Dec 16
  • The site:
    • what is the first scope of work we can address - not dependent on co-design in India
    • IDRC priority #1 prepare co-design sessions and activities
    • also gathering feedback from survey
  • UX of site:
    • no launch until new year
    • will try to have a variety of options before the holidays
  • Likely Jutta will need to submit the (Nov 5?) report since Trebor will be in Korea