October 18, 2018 - Platform Coop - Team Update Meeting
Dana Ayotte
- Identifying people to co-author the “personas” - freelancer, coop member etc
- explain them in a way that makes sense to that group
- translation is tricky - 5 or so on the page now already - hope would be to have a google API
- Mozilla wants to support us - they became more concrete (not a huge amount of money)
- can we ask them for something else?
- send email to all surveyists with “deadline” of end of next week (DA)
- communicating to the community is such an important part
- therefore UX early in the process
- telling them about it, getting them involved
- Jutta and Trebor had talked about having a tab/article on the site about “sleeping with the enemy” to explain why we are working with Google
- annotate with bullet points each site example for design sense (DA):
- Timeline:
- scheduling tool e.g.
- start with a gut feel - provisional ideas - high level planning for the windows
- scheduling is complex because of these reasons - we will refine
- Can PCC provide a gut feel brain dump of the sorts of things we want in the scheduling tool, a governance tool - that will help us a lot
- that’s a bit difficult…it is out of our depth…we can write that down
- if that’s difficult than we have to treat the timelines differently
- We did get another grant - Distributed governance
- hire 4 SEWA researchers
- one from IDRC
- need more detail for reporting than what is on the wiki
- Michael - the 5 questions:
- 2-3 sentences per question, 5 questions
- will help the research office - develop the scope of work - the WINDOWS of scoping
- in addition to the 2 tools:
- MAP - survey - reaching out to find other projects not yet on the map
- which standard, how compliant with other databases?
- Jutta - data visualization of this to something that policy makers can use (show the data)
- more features, more interoperability
- blog post about India - has details there - take a look
- social network
- making decisions
- education
- everyone add details - we will merge it all
- Need MILESTONES for research office (not timeline)
- iterative plan - co-design every quarter e.g.
- how many embedded co-design
- for the tools - we will spend X amount of time on it
- e.g. a tool we can build in 8 months
- see Michelle’s Trello board