Inclusive Design, Co-Design, and Co-Creation Resources
This page contains a living list of citations and links to resources that discuss inclusive design, universal design, co-design, participatory design, and co-creation methods.
Inclusive and Universal Design
- Lewis, Clayton. "HCI for people with cognitive disabilities." ACM SIGACCESS Accessibility and Computing 83 (2005): 12-17.
- Lopresti, Edmund F., Cathy Bodine, and Clayton Lewis. "Assistive technology for cognition [Understanding the Needs of Persons with Disabilities]." Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, IEEE 27.2 (2008): 29-39.
- NC State University Center for Universal Design. The Principles of Universal Design. 1997. Web.
- Newell, Alan. "Inclusive design or assistive technology." Inclusive Design. Springer London, 2003. 172-181.
- Treviranus, Jutta. "Making Yourself at Home—Portable Personal Preferences." In 8th International Conference, ICCHP 2002 Linz, Austria, July 15–20, 2002 Proceedings, pp 643-648.
- Treviranus, Jutta. "The Value of the Statistically Insignificant." Educause Review, January-February 2014. Web.
- Treviranus, Jutta. "You say tomato, I say tomato, let's not call the whole thing off: the challenge of user experience design in distributed learning environments." On the Horizon 17:3, 208 - 217. 2009.
- Vanderheiden, Gregg. "Fundamental principles and priority setting for universal usability." Proceedings on the 2000 conference on Universal Usability. ACM, 2000.
Vanderheiden, Gregg C. "Practical Application of Microcomputers To Aid the Handicapped." Computer (1981).
Participatory and Co-Design
Bødker, Susanne. "Using IT to 'Do Good' in Communities?". Journal of Community Informatics, 11:2. 2015
- Ehn, Pelle. "Participation in Design Things". Proceedings Participatory Design Conference 2008.
- Gaver, Bill, Tony Dunne, and Elena Pacenti. "Cultural Probes." ACM Interactions, 6:1, 21-29. 1999.
- Sanders, Elizabeth. "Co-Creation and the New Landscapes of Design." Lecture at IIT Design Research Conference, 2008. Video.
- Sanders, Elizabeth and Pieter Jan Stappers. "Co-Creation and the new landscape of design." CoDesign, 4:1, 5-18. March 2008.
- Sanders, Elizabeth B.N. "From User-Centered to Participatory Design Approaches." Design and the Social Sciences. Ed. Jorge Frascara. London: Taylor and Francis, 2002.
- Sanders, Elizabeth and Pieter Jan Stappers. "Probes, toolkits, and prototypes: three approaches to making in codesigning." CoDesign, 10:1, 5-14. March 2014.
- Sleeswijk, Visser. et. al. "Contextmapping: experiences from practice." CoDesign, 1:2, 119-149. 2005.
- Clark, Colin. "Inclusive Environments (including the environment)." Technology Futurist Talk at the 2017 Coleman Institute Conference on Cognitive Disability and Technology.
- Clark, Colin. "Many More Stories: Co-Design and Creative Communities." Presented at the Festival of Live Digital Art, Kingston, Ontario, June 21, 2018.
End User Development
- Lieberman, Henry, et al. "End-user development: An emerging paradigm." End user development 9 (2006): 1-8.
General Design Practices
- Norman, Donald. Signifiers, not Affordances
- Sundblad, Yngve. UTOPIA: Participatory Design from Scandinavia to the World
- Blackmon, Marilyn Hughes, et. al. "Cognitive Walkthrough for the Web." Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. pp 463-470. 2002.
- Lewis, Clayton, and John Rieman. "Task-centered user interface design." A Practical Introductio (1993).