wp-a11y-theme Child Template Documentation
The Favicon should be implemented by the child theme and located in the child theme's ./images/ directory with the filename 'favicon.png'.
The logo appears at the top of the site. The parent theme has CSS in place to insert the logo, and it is the responsibility of the child theme to provide the logo.
- The logo should go into the ./images/ directory of the child theme
- The logo should be SVG format.
- The logo image should follow this filename format logo-[COLOUR].svg
- where [COLOUR] could be:
- COLOUR - default
- WHITE - for white on black, and low contrast themes
- GREY - for black on white, and black on yellow themes
- YELLOW - for yellow on black themes
- where [COLOUR] could be:
For example, a child theme should have the following images to make use of the sidebar graphic and its contrast modes:
- ./images/logo-COLOUR.svg
- ./images/logo-GREY.svg
- ./images/logo-WHITE.svg
- ./images/logo-YELLOW.svg
Sidebar graphics
The sidebar has a graphic that appears along the left hand side of the site. The graphic has two parts - one part appears in the aside element, and the other part in the footer.
The parent theme has CSS in place to insert these images as backgrounds, it is the responsibility of the child theme to provide the images.
- The sidebar images should go into the ./images/ directory of the child theme
- Sidebar graphics should be SVG format.
- The sidebar images should follow this filename format sidebar-graphic-[COLOUR]-01.svg and sidebar-graphic-[COLOUR]-02.svg
- where [COLOUR] could be:
- COLOUR - default
- WHITE - for white on black, and low contrast themes
- GREY - for black on white, and black on yellow themes
- YELLOW - for yellow on black themes
- sidebar-graphic-[COLOUR]-01.svg appears in the sidebar
- sidebar-graphic-[COLOUR]-02.svg appears in the footer
- where [COLOUR] could be:
For example, a child theme should have the following images to make use of the sidebar graphic and its contrast modes:
- ./images/sidebar-graphic-COLOUR-01.svg
- ./images/sidebar-graphic-COLOUR-02.svg
- ./images/sidebar-graphic-GREY-01.svg
- ./images/sidebar-graphic-GREY-02.svg
- ./images/sidebar-graphic-WHITE-01.svg
- ./images/sidebar-graphic-WHITE-02.svg
- ./images/sidebar-graphic-YELLOW-01.svg
- ./images/sidebar-graphic-YELLOW-02.svg
Corner Flourish
The parent theme supports a graphic that appears in the top-right corner which we have called the "corner flourish".
- Child theme location: ./images/corner-flourish.svg
- Format: SVG
Contrast theming for corner flourish
- You need to implement some css for this.
Social Media Feeds
Get the Social Media Plugins
Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook feeds are handled by plugins:
- Custom Twitter Feeds - https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-twitter-feeds/
- Instagram Feed - https://wordpress.org/plugins/instagram-feed/
- Custom Facebook Feed - https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-facebook-feed/
Install and activate each of them.
Set Up the Plugins
Note: The following are just guidelines. You may want to use different settings.
Custom Twitter Feeds
- Enter the access tokens - you will need the Twitter account login and password to generate these keys. Use the "Login in to Twitter and get my Access Token and Secret" button, or manually enter the information:
- Locate the consumer key, consumer secret, access token, and access token secret for the Twitter account. To generate these, you can follow the instructions here: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/basics/authentication/guides/access-tokens.
- You will need the Twitter account login and password to generate these keys.
- Enter those keys in the appropriate text fields in the Custom Twitter Feeds admin page (Dashboard > Twitter Feeds > Tab 1. Configure
- Under Tab 1. Configure, suggested settings under Feed Settings:
- Feed Type:User Timeline
- How many tweets to display:5
- Check for tweets every:1 hour
- Preserve settings when plugin is removed:unchecked (This is more secure)
- Are you using an Ajax powered theme:unchecked
- under Tab 2. Customize, suggested settings:
- Width of Feed: 100%
- Height of feed: blank
- Show/Hide: All unchecked except Avatar image, author name, tweet text, media placeholder, date.
- Show header: unchecked
- Show "load more" button: unchecked
- Add custom twitter feeds credit: unchecked
- Rest of settings leave as default.
- under Tab 3. Style
- Left as default
- under Tab 4: Display Your Feed
- Nothing to modify here. We will use the shortcodes to generate our feeds later.
Instagram Feeds
- Get an Instagram access token using the "Log in and get my Access Token", or manually get the token: https://www.instagram.com/developer/authentication/
- Paste the access token into Access Token field
- Enter the User ID of the feed to display.
- Under Tab 1. Configure
- Preserve settings when plugin is removed:unchecked (This is more secure)
- Are you using an Ajax powered theme:unchecked
- Under Tab 2. Customize, suggested settings:
- Width of Feed: 100%
- Height of Feed: blank
- Number of photos: 2 photos
- Number of columns: 1
- POadding around images: 5px
- Sort photos by: Newest to oldest
- Image Resolution: auto-detect
- Show the header: checked
- Show bio text: checked
- Load More button: unchecked
- Follow button: unchecked
- under Tab 3: Display Your Feed
- Nothing to modify here. We will use the shortcodes to generate our feeds later.
Facebook Feed
- Under Tab 1. Configuration
- Facebook Page ID: Enter the Facebook username
- Enter my own Access Token: can be unchecked if the Page ID is a public page.
- Is this a page, group or profile: Page
- Show posts on my page by: Only the page owner (me)
- Number of posts to display: 3
- Change the post limit: blank
- Check for new Facebook posts every: 1 hour
- Localization: English
- Timezone: Change to fit your locale
- Select Save Changes
- Under Tab 2. Customtization
- Feed width: 100%
- Everything else left default.
Configuring the Social Media Feed Markup
The social media feeds use shortcodes to insert into content. You can insert the social feeds into Posts, and Pages using the WP rich editor. You can also insert the social feeds directly into PHP files by using the do_shortcode() Wordpress function.
For example, in BIG IDeA and Our Doors Are Open the social feeds are structured as seen in the following code snippet:
<section class="row a11y-panel-container bi-social-feeds"> /* Class .bi-social-feeds is used for styling purposes. Replace with your own. */ <article class="small-12 medium-4 columns a11y-front-panel"> <header class="a11y-entry-header"> <h1>Twitter</h1> </header> <section> <?php // Shortcode for Custom Twitter Feeds plugin // https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-twitter-feeds/ echo do_shortcode("[custom-twitter-feeds]"); ?> </section> </article> <article class="small-12 medium-4 columns a11y-front-panel"> <header class="a11y-entry-header"> <h1>Facebook</h1> </header> <section> <?php // Shortcode for Custom Facebook Feed plugin // https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-facebook-feed/ echo do_shortcode("[custom-facebook-feed]"); ?> </section> </article> <article class="small-12 medium-4 columns a11y-front-panel"> <header class="a11y-entry-header"> <h1>Instagram</h1> </header> <section> <?php // Shortcode for Instagram Feed plugin // https://wordpress.org/plugins/instagram-feed/ echo do_shortcode("[instagram-feed]"); ?> </section> </article> </section>