Individual Education Plan (IEP) consultation form (TDSB)

Individual Education Plan (IEP) consultation form (TDSB)

Prior to the formalized IEP a printed consultation form is sent to parents/guardians. In the cover letter it notes that "An IEP is a written plan that describes the strengths and needs of individual students and summarizes their learning expectations for the school year....Parents/guardians and students can play an important role in the development of the IEP. I invite you to provide information that can help to develop the plan by completing the IEP Consultation Form provided. Students who are 16 years of age or older are included in the consultation process."

The consultation form consists of two columns (represented by columns one and two below) and includes introductory text: Completion of this consultation form will assist teachers to create a profile of (Name) as a learner and to develop a program that addresses needs by capitalizing on strengths. Please complete the sections that are applicable.

Columns 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the consultation form below are additions or "hacks" made by the parent/guardian and child (in this example the child is under 16). The intention is to include the student in the conversation about their education in a meaningful way. The document is a living doc open to the parent/guardian, child and teacher. Because needs and strengths change based on many things, including context, a live adaptable document is being explored.

IEP questions as per TDSB form

Answers from parent/guardian

IEP questions adapted by parent/guardian for their child

Child’s answers

Typed in without parent/guardian around

Explained to parent/guardian who typed in further explanation

notes, reflections

Areas of strength

What is [Name]’s good at

• Verbal expression,

• Word play,

• Ideation,

• Conceptualizing

• logical thinking

• loves to teach, lead

What are some of the things I like to do?

I like to play soccer in gym

Areas of need

In what areas does [Name] need help?

• Giving [Name] seamless (inclusive) opportunity to capture ideas and concepts in various modalities (scribed, typed on keyboard, audio recording, speech to text) alongside peers

What are some of the things I don’t like doing?

I don’t like to do math

Areas of Interest

What does [Name] like to do

Learning goals

What does [Name] like to do?

• at grade level for all subjects

• stays engaged

What do I think I’m good at?

Art and soccer

What are the most important things I’d like to learn this year?

To be a great artist (drawing/ painting)


Why can’t we set up our own learning environment:

Where you can direct how you’re going to learn. If I was going to learn math sheet of addition I could have breaks in between. If you’re going to learn science/ aerodynamics you could watch a video, or something that allows you to learn in the way that works for you.

Listening, speaking, reading, writing:


Listen to great idea, speak great ideas, read a great book, write a letter. And it’s good to get the words out/down. Accomplishment when finished. If no one shared their ideas lets just say no one would be here. Society wouldn't grow. People wouldn’t talk. Music wouldn’t be here….music is expressing ideas. We wouldn’t have love. We’d be out competed by animals.

Literacy: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing

What are the most important things you want [Name] to learn this year

• Loves to read and being read to

• Dislikes what [Name] refers to as “boring” books and topics

• loves poetry like Shel Silverstein

• loves linguistics (analysis, meaning and context)

• jocular/quick witted

What do you enjoy?



I get to say my ideas

What do you not enjoy?

Reading a boring book


Cuz no excitement

Math: Concepts, Computation, Problem Solving

What is [Name] good at? What does [Name] have difficulty with?

• once a concept is understood [Name] can apply it. To understand a concept requires [Name] to be able to have a conversation, repeat back verbally, have concept presented in multiple ways (video, teacher input, etc.)



What do you enjoy?



Math is boring

What do you not enjoy?

Everything to do with math but like numbers just counting 1,2,3 and so on


Cuz i think its boring

Facilitating transitions throughout the school day.

What strategies will best support [Name] as [Name] transitions from activity to activity and location to location throughout the school day?

• A buddy [Name] can support who is someone who can also support [Name].

• Something formalized and rewarded for.

Transitioning from class to class, activity to activity:


What makes it easier for you to go from class to class?

To go to my locker between classes

What makes it easier for you to go from one activity to another when you’re in a class (like science or language arts, for example)?

Same as before going to my locker class to class

Transition planning: What actions need to be considered now in planning for [Name]’s transition to the next grade and/or school?

What actions need to be considered now in planning for [Name]’s post secondary destination(s)?

• Start to expose [Name] to higher expectations of more school work and fully completed tasks.

What do you think could help you prepare for grade 7?

My teachers can help by.. Well… teaching!

Social interaction: how does [Name] relate to other students in one on one, small group, and large group situations.

• [Name] is not shy and loves being with other people be it peers or adults or young children.

Do you like socializing with other students?


What is the most comfortable way to socialize with other students?

When they're being nice to me

Disability/medical condition

Please provide us with any resources or additional information about [Name]’s disability/medical condition

Special equipment/assistive and/or adaptive technology

What special equipment will [Name] use at school, eg. walker, stander, voice aids, laptop


In what areas would you like to see [Name] demonstrate more independence?

• Help [Name] find ways to independently organize tasks (and time manage) so he can successfully complete expected tasks (ie: homework, in-class work, schedule keeping).

• Being mindful that working memory, cognitive flexibility and ignoring distractions/ temptations needs scaffolds/supports outside the “typical” path of learning these skills.

Are there any areas you’d like to practice being more independent at?

Art sortove


Are there any issues related to safety and/or self-regulation, which are unique to [Name] that we should be aware of? What are the best strategies to support [Name]’s safety?

Key Information:

Is there any additional information that you would like to share?

Do you have any tips, ideas or approaches that could make your school environment better for you? (it could be the way the classroom is setup to how a teacher talks with you or presents assignments)

• More independent (at your own pace)

• lockers in between classes! I don't want to have to lug around my computer my headphones my books and my binders throughout the day it's really annoying and hard