Post Infusion 2.0 Review Meeting Notes

Notes taken at Post Infusion 2.0 Review Community Meeting on Dec 21st, 2016 - wikified from GPII pad at


  • Make use of github contributions doc
  • Move it to the repo, so that different repos can have different coding and commit standards / governance strategies, e.g. for emerging projects
  • e.g related to unit testing, design standards, commit access, etc. 
  • have templates for governance policies 
  • possible outline for mentorship for emerging projects
  • Figure out what to do about CLAs ( use a digital CLA or remove the requirement )
  • Consider moving to a centralized copyright notice, e.g. an Authors or Copyright file
  • Action: Team of 2 to investigate CLA assistant or some other more lightweight option
  • Consider some kind of UI which operates within github whenever a pull request is opened, indicating that the contributor agrees to the repo-wide licence
  • Simon and Colin have indicated interest
  • Survey other inclusive communities that we respect (e.g.
  • None of this work looks like a huge priority compared to other immediate projects - it will be done "in the corners"
  • Informal deadline - before GSoC starts up again Februaryish
  • What to do about Infusion Components? ( Update, Retire, Archive, etc )
  • need to separate the lifecycle of compenents from the lifecycle of the framework
  • Remove:
  • jQuery Slider
  • Progress - depended on by the Uploader - can't be removed without redesign of the Uploader
  • can remove the jQuery Slider support 
  • Updates
  • inline edit, all varieties
  • Please link any recently filed InlineEdit Bugs to this
  • look into removing the uploader specific progressive enhancement for the no js version.
  • fix grid reorderer a11y issue
  • redesign Uploader
  • Action: Consider refactoring our repo into a monorepo so we can separate lifecycle of core framework and components
  • Every now and then we will make a form of "LTS" release where we sync up and QA framework and components
  • Will each component be a separate repo in the mono repo?
  • Infusion framework dist doesn't include contextawareness 
  • sadly it is because it isn't part of core
  • Doesn't include any of the prefs framework either, I imagine
  • What to do about project structure ( e.g. split into separate repos?, builds, etc. )
  • Establish and publish a code of conduct
  • Michelle to follow up with
  • contributor covenant
  • code4lib
  • Releases
  • automated testing for all components needed
  • look at Tony's webdriver work

Infusion Docs

  • Deploy versioned documentation as well as in development
  • two versions of the documentation
  • Stable - corresponds to latest actual release
  • Development - what's currently in master
  • This requires some kind of fix to our docpad plugin, at that time we may as well fix it to enable us to publish particular versioned docs
  • This was clearly always the intention since there is a term in the URL representing this
  • We might be able to get a simplification of the workflow by removing our reliance on github-pages
  • What could we replace this reliance with? Web DAVE?
  • "There's an nginx container which is used at least for the QI dashboard, and potentially something that Gio did"
  • Potentially split off component docs
  • Establish a practice for tagging new changes in the docs
  • E.g. “Changed in infusion-dev”
  • How do we make fixes to Infusion-Docs when they are tied to a release?
  • use a branch for the release, make fixes to the branch
  • Strategies for ensuring that as content changes in the docs, all the pages are updated appropriately.
  • add an automatic link checker as part of the build, or use a tool pointed at our site.


  • VideoPlayer does not work with any recent version of Infusion
  • This is a risk since we still have a demo site deployed which features an old version of UIOptions linked to it which cannot itself be updated
  • Action: Migrate the VP and everything it depends on to a "mothballed repo" which is then deployed in a way which makes it clear it is a demo
  • Consider future evolutions of more advanced requirements for the VP
  • WebGL-based filters for those with special vision requirements
  • Ways of personalizing the YouTube player
  • When / How should we upgrade to latest Infusion
  • Don't upgrade - change the story around it to show that it's a demo
  • Should we remove VideoPlayer from use on our sites? 
  • Are there comparable or better solutions now?
  • Move our videos to YouTube, make sure we've got captions for it. 
  • Update the video entry on the ILDH to help people who want to embed video