Inclusive Design Guides for duplexed card output
- Enable direct-from-web printing of the Inclusive Design Guide website
- Output should be like the PDF files produced before:
- 2 cards per page and double-sided
Web view
Card 1
Card 2
Print format
| Back
Automating Duplex Layout
The following is a rough draft of a possible automated solution:
Author writes content and manually inserts a token where they want the front and back of the card to be split. |
--- Title: Topic 1 ###cardBreakToken Rest of topic 1 content goes here... | |
--- Title: Topic 2 ###cardBreakToken Rest of topic 2 content goes here... |
Parser goes through each raw content page (i.e. written in markdown and html) and split the page into two. |
--- Title: Topic 1 - Front | |
--- Title: Topic 1 - Back | |
--- Title: Topic 2 - Front | |
--- Title: Topic 2 - Back |
Using a template, render two pairs of front pages side-by-side (this could be an HTML template, and two sections side by side)
Front | |
Topic 1 content goes here... | Topic 2 content goes here... |
Back | |
 |  |
Find the matching back pages and put them side by side but in reverse order
Front | |
Topic 1 content goes here... | Topic 2 content goes here... |
Back | |
 Rest of topic 2 content goes here... |  Rest of topic 1 content goes here... |
Old Notes
- Handling page breaks
- Author needs to specify page breaks in the source
- If doing print CSS:
- Use handlebars to inject page break elements
- the content author does this manually by putting a call to a handlebars function within the markdown file.
- If doing direct from web printing (straight HTML output to printer), the source content needs to be 2 cards per page as well
- This would mean we will need to generate content that is 2 cards per page - currently the site just displays 1 card at a time.
- In order to print 2 cards per page properly duplexed, the corresponding reverse side of the:
- left card appears on the right on the second page
- right card appears on the left on the second page
- this means that to do duplex properly, when a page break is inserted, the 2nd page should reverse the order of the back pages.
- A simpler case would be to print 1 card per page, duplexed.
- the output page dimensions in this case would be 5.5" x 8.5", to do this using CSS you would use the
attribute.- but
CSS attribute is only supported by Firefox currently.
- but
- alternative approach is to fix the size of the content container
- this is the current approach being used in testing.
- the output page dimensions in this case would be 5.5" x 8.5", to do this using CSS you would use the
Other remarks
- A content author will not know if their content fits properly onto one side of a card until they print or print preview their content.