Sept 20, 2016 Design Crit Notes - UI / Learner Options
Implement responsive/mobile design
Unify desktop and mobile
Overall layout / findability
Vertical vs. horizontal panel scroll/swipe
Left side / right side (desktop)
Flexibilty? (integrators may choose a layout?)
Previously discussed adjuster redesign based on user feedback
Consistency of adjusters (check boxes vs on/off)
Accessibility of sliders
Note: no GPII integration at this time
Style - total redesign?
Meeting Notes
Tab order expectation
Would be better to keep the “show preferences” tab on top of the panel area
Then focus moves from tab to first panel as expected (this is clearer in the vertical panel, where the tab stays on top)
In current design, focus moves from “show display prefs” tab to page content
Not good practice to push focus into panel / doesn’t follow panel structure/order
How to best design for horizontal layout in desktop in this way?
Open from the left?
Vertical vs horizontal
Prefer horizontal layout
Vertical breadcrumb throws balance off
Might expect down arrow to open more of the panel (i.e. to increase panel size)
Up arrow looks like it could collapse the panel
Previously had vertical panel scrolling in mobile in order to avoid interefering with contrast scrolling
How to take up less screen real estate in mobile?
Currently the header bar at the top takes up too much space
Also when user is in reader mode - will remove everything outside the content including UIO
Preferences may not apply to reader mode
Touch the screen anywhere - opens menu - accessibility?
Have it at top of page only?
Blend into page menu?
For ease of implementation - consistency between mobile and desktop - i.e. vertical vs horizontal
ON/OFF toggle
Keyboard interaction? enter/space toggles state
Arrow keys? Would need to focus on each state separately - Probably not best
Touch/mouse interaction?
Touch/click specific state to change state, i.e. must touch or click ON to turn on (not just anywhere on the toggle itself, like in iOS)
Toggles are built as check boxes (so screen-reader experience is that of a check box)
New ARIA spec may include a switch label - Lisa will look into it
Consider the appearance of the focus state and how this might look too similar to current state button/box/border - don’t want to confuse the two
Emphasis preference
Replaced 2 check boxes (1. Links 2. Other inputs (buttons etc)) with one ON/OFF toggle
ON/OFF toggle used for consistency
If we want to keep links and other inputs separate, we could have 2 panels
Note that when we integrate with GPII, we will likely need more granularity - this will apply to multiple preferences
What do we want this preference to affect? Consider wording of “other inputs” - are there other inputs that it affects?