PhET Tasking

Late May Milestone

High Priority

  • Keyboard and screen reader accessibility integration with PhET Scenery module (John Travoltage)
  • Sonification designs (John Travoltage)
  • Design documentation and early designs (Energy Skate Park)

Medium Priority

  • Early sonification implementation (John Travoltage)
  • Early sound effects implementation (John Travoltage)

Low Priority

  • Text and controls options early design (John Travoltage)

John Travoltage HTML Markup

Come up with a new way to report electrons (not using Progress)  Try using role=status.

John Travoltage PhET Scenery Integration

Learn scenery5dJOIt's an ongoing process. Learning things as I need them.
Integrate HTML demo with Scenery Model10dJO

  • Added sliders for the arm and leg
  • Linked the sliders to the model
  • Adjusted the arm so the centre position pointed at the doorknob
  • Added value-text to sliders
  • Added discharge alert
  • Alert works in most browser/platform combinations


  • VoiceOver is reading the "aria-valuetext" twice
  • Can we not clip the accessible content so that it is discoverable by dragging over the screen in VoiceOver on iOS?
    • need to still be invisible so that they won't interfere with the sim
  • VoiceOver on iOS prevents sound effects. Will play after VoiceOver is disabled.
  • can scene descriptions be dynamic?
Figure out how to calculate the closest position of the arm to the doorknob. Currently we are using a hard-coded number.