PhET Notes

Mar 11, 2016 - JAWS and NVDA testing

Primary Issues:

  • Descriptions are not properly read back with JAWS if description container is set to "polite". Test effects of setting the container to "assertive".
  • IE 11 is not working (no way to submit values in number field). Will need to do some validation too.


  • Put phet-description span within a container and set this outer container to role="status" aria-live="polite"
  • Added aria-controls="phet-description" to input controls.
  • Added role="slider" to input
  • Added old and new description string comparison and only set description when values have changed (fixes an FF issue with NVDA with descriptions always being read out)

test results:

Screen ReaderOS + BrowserDescription UpdatesAlert UpdateSlider ValueProgress BarResult
Voice Over

  • numerical value of slider is not read when changed, only when focused
  • description updates are not read back
  • numerical value with value text is read
  • description updates are read back but interrupts from the slider text from being read.
  • alert box is not read back when aria-live is set to assertive
  • progress is not read back, but can be discovered by moving virtual cursor to it.
  • numerical value with value text is read
  • description updates are read back only when text value has changed.
  • a beep is heard, but alert box is not read back
  • when alert box appears, the description does not get read back
  • progress is not read back, but can be discovered by moving virtual cursor to it.
NVDA 2015.4

Firefox Win10(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)
  • only numerical value for sliders being reported.
  • description changes always being reported with each slider change
  • when alert box is read back, but description is not.
IE 11 Win 10(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)
  • Sliders are replaced with number input fields.
  • There's no way to submit.
Edge Win10(error)(error)(warning)(tick)
  • numerical value for slider is read back for hand and foot
  • description and alert are not read back on changes
Chrome Win10(tick)(tick)(tick)(error)
  • When alert occurs Alert is read back only, not the description.

Firefox Win10(error)(tick)(tick)(tick)
  • numerical value for slider is read back for hand and foot
  • alert is read back, but not the description.
  • descriptions are not read back if aria-live on the description container is polite.
  • descriptions are read back if aria-live on the description container is assertive.
IE 11 Win 10(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)
  • Progress just announces numbers - without context it just sounds random.
Edge Win10(error)(error)(tick)(error) 
Chrome Win10(warning)(tick)(tick)(error)
  • Atomic description of charge update is read back only. All other changes in description text is ignored. Example: "a small amount of negative charges" would be all that is read back.
  • partial descriptions are read back if aria-live on the description container is polite.
  • full descriptions are read back if aria-live on the description container is assertive.


  • Adding role="slider" to the input helps Voiceover + FF, and FF + NVDA
  • Without aria-live="polite" on the description container Chrome + NVDA will not read back changes
  • Role="status" on the description is needed, otherwise Chrome treats changes to the text as atomic.

Mar 2, 2016 - ARIA Live Region testing

Test: Aria-live regions



OSScreen Reader + BrowserTest 1

Test 2

Test 3

VoiceOver + Safari(tick)(tick)(tick)
VoiceOver + Firefox(error)(error)(error)
VoiceOver + Chrome(tick)(tick)(tick)

NVDA 2016 + FF(tick)(tick)(tick)
NVDA 2016+ IE11   
NVDA 2016 + Edge(error)(error)(error)
NVDA 2016 + Chrome(tick)(tick)(tick) Only reads updated text, not whole string.
JAWS + FF(error)(error)(error)
JAWS + IE11   
JAWS + Edge(error)(error)(error)
JAWS + Chrome(tick)(tick)


Test: Aria-live regions with polite and assertive messages



OSScreen Reader + BrowserPoliteAssertive

VoiceOver + Safari(tick)(tick)
VoiceOver + Firefox(error)(error)
VoiceOver +Chrome(error)(error)
NVDA 2016 + FF(tick) Interrupts like assertive(tick)
NVDA 2016 + IE11  
NVDA 2016 + Edge(error)(error)
NVDA 2016 + Chrome(tick)(tick)
JAWS 17.0124 + FF(tick)(tick)
JAWS 17.0124 + IE11  
JAWS 17.0124 + Edge(error)(error)
JAWS 17.0124 + Chrome(tick)(tick)

February 11, 2016 - Meeting

Attendees: Jon, Justin, Vince

General Usability & Descriptions

  • Using FF, Win 10, Jaws 16 then 17.
  • Was able to use the sim well
  • The description was important, key for understanding the numbers
  • understood the mechanics of the electrons
    • rubbing foot to accumulate electrons
    • positioning hand
    • electron discharge
  • liked that there wasn’t much on the page
  • a bit unclear which foot is moving
    • foot is introduced as "foot off the rug" and the foot range slider is called "foot position" -> could be confusing to user, not sure which foot is moving.
    • could say right foot is on the floor, and label the moving foot as left
  • It wasn't clear what the numbers meant on the sliders but figured it out as he experimented with the slider and examining the description.
    • Went back and forth between the description and the hand/foot to learn what was happening
    • Eventually he figured out what was happening


Suggestions for possible sonification

  • foot rubbing on the floor, discharge
  • not sure what sound would be used for the hand, maybe something in stereo to indicate position relative to the door knob
  • all sonification should be meaningful and not take over the space
    • e.g. rubbing foot vs carnival background music
    • would providing a separate volume slider for sound effects be useful?
    • important to hear the screen reader
  • Use audio icons - more efficient and effective than listening to JAWS read out everything
  • Notify as electrons are added
    • he just went up and checked the value of the electrons.
    • Felt that people using JAWS would do this


  • Did you enjoy it? Was it fun?
    • It wasn’t frustrating
    • It was interesting more than fun
    • it was able to explain the learning goals well
    • More interactive sounds would make it more interesting