Feb 3, 2016 - Notes from group discussion

The self-assessment dashboard use cases were discussed to identify the main characteristics and features of the dashboard.

  • people need assistance and motivation to self assess and document their progress
  • how do we enable users to do the initial skill assessment when setting a goal
    • They should be able to compare it to something they have done before
    • looking at what other people have done
  • option to set flexible goals, and making them visible or invisible
  • option to create flexible/custom messages and prompts
  • trial and error over time
  • approaching the dashboard as a modular system, so its different pieces could be plugged into different applications
  • defining a badging or reward system
  • autonomy - dashboard should not take decisions on behalf of the user
  • ability to see the parallels, overlaps, patterns, correlation between different activities, contexts and outcomes
  • ability to set different viewing options e.g. public, private, isolated, blocked, hidden, etc.
  • including the UIO preference setting for all scenarios
  • ability to give others access to the dashboard