Exploration and Early Sketches
Work in progress...
General Principles:
- Consider that people have different sensitivities, give them power to change those sensitivities
- Create a tool to build multiple first class presentations (visual, sound, text) of information
- Apply principle 1 & 2 to give people the ability to choose, adapt and form their personal mappings
Sound Parameters
- Pitch
- Scale
- Timbre
- Tempo
- Rhythm
- Density
- Energy
- Harmonic relationships
- Brightness
- Roughness
- Spatial location
- Volume
- Length of time/ duration
Space of Data
- Static data e.g. diagrams, charts, etc (Please note that static data will turn into dynamic, if users are provided with means to interact with a data set and navigate in it e.g. data stream)
- Observing a dynamic system e.g. simulation
- User control/ Influencing data
- Navigation within data
- Spatially
- Temporarily
Views on the Data
- Data value as is
- Rate of change (derivative- Point within data)
- Volatility (Summary of data over time)
- Zooming in/out
- Shape vs. detail
- Outliers
- Build an exploration space and have users envision how to map data to audio. e.g. Tableau for data visualization.
- Exploration vs. query
- Things fusing into one sound.
Exploration - Session 1
In this session some of the common forms of static data such as a line diagram, a pie chart and a Venn diagram were explored in order to understand the followings:
- Properties that are perceived by sighted users at a glance.
- Mapping these properties to sound
Line Graph
- Minimum and maximum points
- Trend (going up to right)
- Variability
- 2 dependent variables
Open Questions:
- Providing the same level of interaction that we have in the visual graph for sonified graphs (e.g. using two fingers to select two specific points on the graph)
- Use of spatial vs. temporal sound, specially when the variables are not time related.
- Showing exact measures or numbers
- Use of words in sonification
Pie Chart
- Number of values
- Relationships/ Proportions
- Relationship of a slice to the whole
- Relationship of a slice to other slices
Open Questions:
- Use of 4 simultaneous sounds vs. use of different durations of sound
Venn Diagram
- Membership/ Groups (either in or out of a group)
- Degree of overlaps
- Relative Size/ Population sets
Open Questions:
- Convey overlaps with multiple groups (Choir Art Installation in Ottawa)
Community Meeting Notes
March 25th, 2015
- A screen reader user should have the ability to tab to a desired section in the data set and only hear a specific part of a data set.
- If a table is presented, every time a cell is read out, the header related to that cell should be read out as well. Otherwise, the screen reader would just read a bunch of numbers that may not be meaningful to the user.
- For sonified experiences, there should be an audio legend (either in the beginning, during the experience or at the end) in order to help users decode what is being played.
- The audio legend should directly use a piece of sound that is be