(PGA) First Discovery Use Case Scenarios

The following first-discovery scenarios were developed based on existing Cloud 4 All use cases. You can find the details at the links below.

The numbers in the scenarios refer to the Walk-through wireframes linked below.

(The first one is a new one - focused on user who does not have digital literacy since all the other did. )


Walk-through wireframes (pdf)


Not well Assisted, with no digital literacy

Elaine has heard that something called GPII can help her use computers.  She has never used a computer before.  There was the one time when a person set her down at a computer and kept pointing to things and telling her it was easy - but it was all foreign and confusing and she has never gone back near a computer since.

She has decided to try out this GPII thing and has gone to her local library.   She wants to be able to use the computer for basic things – but she can't see well and has a tremor that prevents her from using that mouse thing. 

Elaine arrives at the library and, speaking only Japanese, has a bit of trouble before a library staff member is brought over that speaks Japanese.   The the library staff member seats her in front of a Windows desktop computer and a pair of headphones connected to the computer.   She has no idea what to do and the library staff member knows how to launch the tool (they just touch the computer with a special card)  – but after that the staff member seems to just be reading what is on the screen to figure out how to use this. 

Elaine hears the library staff member talking to themself and setting the language to Japanese.   Elaine is delighted to hear the headphones start talking to her in Japanese.   At the same time she sees that the text is printed on screen in large text - and there is a person signing as well.   The person on screen starts by asking them to press a key on the keyboard and then another.   It then asks them to use the mouse thing to do somethings but she can't do those.  It quickly moves on to asking her to answer some questions it asks.  She only has to hit one or another key on the keyboard to answer her questions.   It finds out how large text must be for her to read it, and how large things must be on screen for her to press them (it is a touch screen) (she needs them large).   It later shows her other things on screen (buttons,  sliders?, etc.).  She can use some of them but not others. 


Sophia - (please read detailed use case)

Assisted, with low digital literacy


Sophia has decided to take a computer course for seniors at her local community centre. She wants to be faster at emailing, and wants to set up her own email account. She also wants to create a Flickr account and to learn how to upload photos from her digital camera so that she can share her travel photos more easily with her kids and grandkids.

Sophia arrives on the first day of class and is seated in front of a Windows desktop computer and a pair of headphones connected to the computer. She is somewhat familiar with the Windows interface as it is the same one that she uses at home, although here it looks a little different. She also notices an open window that she has never seen before (1). At the beginning of class, the instructor describes the tool on the screen and what it is used for, and encourages the class to put on their headphones and try using it as she walks around to assist each student in turn.

Sophia puts on her headphones and stares at the screen wondering what to do. She feels afraid to push the wrong key because she doesn't want to break anything, but she remembers the instructor's encouraging words and also feels more confident knowing that she can ask for help. Suddenly Sophia hears in her headphones "Welcome to the Set and Save tool. Step one, choose your language, English currently selected". She laughs because she has never heard a simulated computer-voice before and didn't know it was possible to have the computer speak to her.

Even though English is already selected (and is her preferred language) Sophia thinks she has to complete this step first anyway, so she uses the mouse to click on the language button. When the drop-down opens (3) she sees a long list of languages and hears the computer say "language selection, list of 20 options, select one or begin typing". She panics because she doesn't know what to do or how to close it, so she waits for the instructor to come over and help her.

When the instructor gets to Sophia she shows Sophia how to use the drop-down to make a language selection. Sophia is fascinated by how many languages are available, and asks the instructor to select Ukranian because she wants to see what it looks like (she grew up speaking Ukranian but has since forgotten much of it). After she has a look at the interface in Ukranian, the instructor encourages Sophia to try using it herself. She watches as Sophia opens the language drop-down on her own and returns the language to English.

At this point Sophia notices the "Turn sound OFF" button and decides to click on it because she is finding the voice-over distracting. After confirming with the instructor, Sophia then selects the "GO" button and is taken to the next preference screen (5) - (audio preference screen is skipped since audio has been turned off?).

Marnie (please read detailed use case)

Unassisted, with moderate digital literacy

Marnie enjoys borrowing audio books from the local library. Lately the library has been busy and the staff can't spend time walking Marnie through all of the available audio books. Marnie has tried using the computer databases but it is a very frustrating experience as there is no voice-over and she has get really close to the screen and constantly move her head around to get a sense what's on the interface and where the cursor is.

Recently the library updated their library cards to offer a more personalized experience of all the digital library material. Curious to try it, Marnie goes to the librarian to exchange her library card for the new one. The librarian lets her know that voice-over is now available on the computers, and she is instructed to go to one of the available computers to complete her registration.

She puts on the headphones and scans her library card. A new window pops up in front of the library home page (1), and she hears "Welcome to the Set and Save tool. Step one, choose your language, English currently selected". As it is difficult for Marnie to orient herself solely with the cursor, and as someone who is familiar with using a screen-reader, she reaches for the keyboard and presses the tab key to begin navigating.

At this point a short overlay message displays with diagrams which she can use to navigate through the tool (2). A more detailed message is read to her telling her where these keys usually exist on her keyboard. Marnie presses an arrow key and the message is dismissed. Using the arrow keys she navigates to and selects the 'get started' button, which takes her to the first preference panel (4).