Guided first discovery

Wireframe sketch (pdf file)

These wireframes are an iteration on the learning to learn wireframes that I previously posted. I have tried to take into account comments from the meeting discussions, email list, requirements doc and features presented in other designs.

Particularly I wanted to allow for   <PRIORITIES BY GV>

    • making it "universal enough" and prioritizing preferences to remove any initial, total barriers to access 
    • keeping the interface as simple as possible, with one option per screen and limited choices for a "good enough" set-up (allowing for further refinement once first discovery is complete)
    • provide and obvious and easy way to undo changes
    • a way of immediately previewing changes and confirming/self-validating them
    • a flexible path through the tool      ( Good but if this is the basic tool then single path might be OK)

    • a way for the user to track their progress and know where they are ("breadcrumbs")      (good but single path not critical)
  • LOW 
    • maintain a toolbar that the user can return to at any time to make more changes (perhaps this is where refinement layers could be added)

They are a work in progress and some open questions that remain include:

  • should interface respond immediately to changes, or should there be a separate, mock-preview page (as discussed on list)?      (GV: immediate.  other is confusing)9
  • validating/confirming selection, undo - how to user these creatively to allow user to self-validate selection
  • how to handle automated switch-scanning? (can we detect keyboard or mouse interaction and turn it off automatically?) - it probably doesn't make sense to include it as a preference
  • how to allow user to complete the process when all steps are not completed?
  • should we force the user to confirm that they like the default setting, to ensure that they don't skip over a preference without realizing it (i.e. if a user makes no changes and goes to the next screen, do we consider this step complete?)


Text Description:

  • the design is currently lacking an introductory screen
  • the first screen shows a vertical panel on the left (the "toolbar") with five buttons (total number TBD), each of which links to a preference-adjustment screen
  • There is also a status indication at the top of the toolbar which reads "0 out of 5 complete" and which keeps track of how many screens the user has completed
  • there is also a "reset all" button at the bottom of the toolbar which would appear after the first selection is made
  • the panel on the right side shows three language options:
    • "Hello! English"
    • "Salut! French/Francais"
    • "Hola! Spanish/Español"
    • and a "more languages" button which would slide 3 more options into place
  • there is an "Undo last change" icon/text button at the bottom of each screen
  • there are Next and Back buttons at the bottom of each screen
  • as the user moves through each preference screen, the toolbar highlights which preference they are currently interacting with, and also indicates which ones they have completed (with a check mark)
  • the five preferences currently included are 1. Language 2. Screen reader (labelled "Read content out loud"), 3. Magnification, 4. Switch scanning and 5. Contrast
  • The user can skip around to different preference screens by selecting the buttons in the toolbar, OR
  • The user can select the Next button on each screen and work their way through them sequentially
  • At the top of each screen is a question or a statement, prompting the user to make a selection:
    • Language screen: "Which do you prefer"?
    • Read content out loud: "On, or Off?"
    • Magnification: "would you like to make everything bigger?"
    • Scanning: ??
    • Contrast: "Increase the contrast or change the colours"