Sketch: Integrating workshop feedback into designs

Visual sketches in (pdf):




As is, these images do not necessarily communicate clarity, but are rather artifacts that Dana and I used in a recent design conversation. They are labeled starting with the number '2' to match the numbering on the bottom of the pdf image.

Image 2:

In three columns I tried to capture the points of engagement with different tools (or different layers in one tool).


Column1: Initial/Primary Engagement

Solo or with helper

Tools may include:

-       Pre-sets

-       Pre-tool (assistant)

-       Games (1)

-       Wizards (2)

-       Guided questions (2) what are the numbers?

-       Redo (to check)

Just Get Me In           

-some users could stop at this step and might not re-engage the tool


Column2: Secondary Engagement

Solo or with helper

-       functional tool

-       this is where the commonalities will be

-       this might resemble some of the functionality of the PMT

-       Q1: does the functional tool look the same for everyone?

I Want More

The user has come to this “tool” to dive in deeper…


Column3: (Not sure how this differs from 2, except for the self-verification part, which could happen in 1 or 2, I think)

-       self-verification

-       anytime tweaking

-       could be a history or something similar with a √ or X next to changes

Luxury of Time

These “activities” are the sorts of things users will do if they have time and motivation.


Image 3:

This image is a chart with 3 columns and 4 rows.

The rows are the 4 topic areas (voting, OER, OA, Elderly)

The columns are ‘Guided’ and ‘Games’

Here we were discussing what it might mean to create interfaces for each of the 4 areas that include interactions along the spectrum of guided “wizards” and games.


We listed some of the features a game might have:

-       progress

-       achievement

-       score

-       delight

-       fun

-       liberation or collection of things


Image 4:

This image is a chart with 3 columns and 4 rows.

The rows are the 4 topic areas (voting, OER, OA, Elderly)

The columns are ‘good enough + leave alone’ and ‘tweaker’


The point here is that the user who just wants to achieve ‘good enough’ is unlikely to come back and tweak – or is able to move forward with the good enough and there is no requirement for them to come back.


First needs:




(don’t seem to need ASL at first)