Banks, financial organizations, and inclusion

What is it?

Inclusion for the financial sector covers a spectrum of concerns from access to products and services, to internal policies and practices. This page covers inclusion topics that are relevant to financial institutions.


This Articles section includes research papers, news articles, and other information published on the Internet.


This Experiences section includes stories, perspectives, and experiences submitted by people experiencing disabilities or is Deaf. Where necessary, personal information have been changed to protect the privacy of the people involved.

  • This section is work in progress

Other issues being raised or addressed

  • This section is work in progress

External groups

The External Groups section contains links to organizations or individuals who are working, advocating, or innovating in this space. The parties mentioned in this list are not endorsed by the IDRC.

  • There is nothing in this list currently.

Contribute to this topic

Do you have an article or resource to add to this page? Do you have an experience you would like to share? Add your insight and perspective to this topic by using one of the following options:

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