This space is an archive space for documentation related to old versions of Fluid Infusion (i.e. versions before 1.3). For documentation related to the latest Infusion, see Infusion Documentation.

Tutorial - Pager 1.0 Migration

This page will walk you through the process of upgrading your existing 0.8 Pager implementation to the new 1.0 version. This tutorial assumes that

  • you are already familiar with HTML, Javascript and CSS
  • you are familiar with what Pager is and does
  • you have an existing implementation of Pager that worked with the 0.8 Infusion release.
  • you are using the default classes

Location Changes

With the directory restructuring comes the need to update your paths to our files.

If you use...

The new path is...





On this Page
Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Class Name Changes

For consistency, all classes used as selectors have been given an "flc-" prefix, and ones used for styling have an "fl-" prefix.


























Styles Changed Programatically













Other Styles Used by Pager





