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Inline Edit Configuration Options
Description | A function which acts on the overall component to bind a handler for the |
Default | null |
Example | fluid.inlineEdit("#myContainer", { blurHandlerBinder: "" }); |
Description | Indicates whether or not to automatically select the editable text when the component switches into edit mode. |
Default | false |
Example | fluid.inlineEdit("#myContainer", { selectOnEdit: true }); |
Description | The default text to use when filling in an empty component. Set to empty to suppress this behaviour. |
Default | "Click here to edit" |
Example | fluid.inlineEdit("#myContainer", { defaultViewText: "" }); |
Description | Indicates whether or not the component should display a custom ("invitation") tooltip on mouse hover |
Default | false |
Example | fluid.inlineEdit("#myContainer", { useTooltip: true }); |
Description | The text to use for the tooltip to be displayed when hovering the mouse over the component |
Default | "Click item to edit" |
Example | fluid.inlineEdit("#myContainer", { tooltipText: "Click to edit" }); |
See also |
Description | The id to be used for the DOM node holding the tooltip |
Default | "tooltip" |
Example | fluid.inlineEdit("#myContainer", { tooltipID: "myTooltip" }); |
See also |
Description | The delay, in ms, between starting to hover over the component and showing the tooltip |
Default | 1000 |
Example | fluid.inlineEdit("#myContainer", { tooltipDelay: 500 }); |
See also |
Additional options for Multiple Inline Edits
The options for the creation of multiple Inline Edits are the same as those for the creation of a single Inline Edit, with the addition of a selector for identifying the editable elements. The default selector is defined as follows:
selectors: { editables: ".flc-inlineEditable" }
InlineEdit Types
Several of the InlineEdit configuration elements make use of various "Implicit" or "Duck Typed" objects which have particular structures or signatures.
Type name | Description | Layout |
ViewAccessor | Appears as displayAccessor and editAccessor . Used to convey updates to and from the model to its representation in the DOM. Exposes a single function value with the same semantics as jQuery.val() . | value: function( [optional value]) } |
InlineEditView | Appears as displayView and editView . Used to wrap the action of the relevant ViewAccessor as it maintains synchrony between the model and DOM. For some views, especially where there is some "default text" to invite the user to edit, there is extra formality to displaying the model which is InlineEdit-specific, rather than markup-specific. Such logic goes in this class, and is less frequently user-configured. | { refreshView: function (that, source) } |
InlineEditRenderer | Appears as editModeRenderer . Actually a function, rather than a structure, with a fairly complex contract. Is passed the entire component that in order to inspect the current markup situation at startup time, to manipulate it if necessary to render and initialise the editable component view, and return the relevant nodes which it has either created or discovered. | function (that) -> { container, field } |