Progress API

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Progress API

This page has not yet been updated to reflect the latest API changes.

Progress Overview

The Infusion Progress component provides a usable and accessible linear progress display for use on its own or with other Infusion components. It was originally designed for the Infusion Uploader but was built to be highly flexible -- customizable for use in any context. It has a very simple API but achieves its flexibility through a number of configuration options which at first may not seem intuitive.

Progress does not currently come with a default presentation. We hope that through our design examples you can come up with your own designs that integrate well with your application or component. Infusion Progress is currently used in the Uploader and in the Fluid Project wiki to provide component progress indicators.

The Progress component provides the option to the integrator to switch between aria-valuenow and aria-valuetext. See the Options description below for more information.


This component is in Preview status

On This Page
See Also
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Creating a Progress bar

To instantiate a new Progress component on your page:

var myProgressBar = fluid.progress(container, options);

Returns: The Progress component object.

Note: the initial state of a progress element is assumed to be hidden with the minimum amount of progress.


container: a CSS-based selector, single-element jQuery object, or DOM element that identifies the root DOM node of the Progress markup.

options: an optional data structure that configures the Progress component, as described in the Options section of this page.

Supported Events

The Progress component fires the following events (for more information about events in the Infusion Framework, see Events):





Parameter Description



This event fires once the progress display has appeared. Note that this is not a 'preventable' event.





This event fires once the progress display has been removed after progress is complete.



To add listeners to the firers one can use two approaches:
1) Using the listeners option to the component creator function (see Options below for more information):

var myProgress = fluid.progress("#progress-container", {
    listeners: {
        onProgressBegin: myProgressShow //callback function
var myProgress = fluid.progress("#progress-container", {
    listeners: {
        afterProgressHidden: myProgressHide //callback function

2) Programmatically:







Shows the element defined by the displayElement selector using either the default showAnimation object parameters or an animation passed in.

animation: see below the description of animate object used in the showAnimation option.

hide(delay, animation)

Hides the element defined by the displayElement selector using either the default hideAnimation object parameters or an animation passed in

delay: see below the description of the delay option
animation: see below the description of animate object used in the hideAnimation option

update(percentage, labelValue, animationForShow)

Updates the indicator element with a new percentage complete, updates the visible label, and ariaElement, shows the displayElement if it is currently hidden using either the default showAnimation object parameters or an animation passed in.

percentage: an integer value between 0 and 100 indicating the current progress (numbers greater than 100 are interpreted as 100)
labelValue: a string to display in the label element
animationForShow: see below the description of animate object used in the showAnimation option.


Resets the position and size of the indicator element based on the current size and position of the progressBar element.
Useful for liquid layouts or events that change the location or size of the progressBar.









Javascript object containing selectors for various fragments of the Progress markup

The object must contain a subset of the following keys:
See selectors below for requirement details

selectors: {
    displayElement: ".flc-progress",
    progressBar: ".flc-progress-bar",
    indicator: ".flc-progress-indicator",
    label: ".flc-progress-label",
    ariaElement: ".flc-progress-bar"

See Selectors below for requirement details


The strings that will be used by the component. This is where localization is handled

String to inject into the ariaElement during update() while the percentage is less than 100%.
The %percentComplete token is replaced with a number indicating the current percent complete.

If ariaBusyText is provided, the aria-valuetext attribute will be updated using this test. Otherwise, the value of the aria-valuenow attribute will be used for aria-valuetext.

String to inject into the ariaElement during update() when the percentage complete is 100%.

The object must contain a subset of the following keys:

strings: {
    ariaBusyText: "Progress is %percentComplete percent complete",
    ariaDoneText: "Progress is complete."


JavaScript object that defines the default animation for displaying the Progress displayElement.

The default showAnimation can be overridden at run-time by passing an animation object in with the progress.show() or progress.update() methods.

The structure of the object mirrors and gets mapped to the parameters of jQuery's animate method.

NOTE: The callback property is deprecated in v1.3

showAnimation: {
    params: {
        opacity: "show"
    duration: "slow",
    callback: null  
}, // equivalent of $().fadeIn("slow")


JavaScript object that defines the default animation for hiding the Progress displayElement.

The default hideAnimation can be overridden at run-time by passing an animation object in with the progress.hide() method.

The structure of the object mirrors and gets mapped to the parameters of jQuery's animate method.

NOTE: The callback property is deprecated in v1.3

hideAnimation: {
    params: {
        opacity: "hide"
    duration: "slow",
    callback: null 
}, // equivalent of $().fadeOut("slow")


JavaScript object containing listeners to be attached to the supported events.

Keys in the object are event names, values are functions or arrays of functions.

See Supported Events for more information.


Integer which specifies the minimum width for the progress indicator element


minWidth: 5


delay before hiding the progress after the Progress.hide() method.

a delay allows the user to register the completion of progress before hiding the progress bar.

millies (milliseconds)

delay: 0


Integer representing the speed for the Progress animations.

The default is very fast because you want the animation to keep up with the actual speed of the action.


speed: 200


String indicating which directions of progress get animated.

In most cases you only want to animate forward. 

"forward", "backward", and "both". Any other value is interpreted to mean don't animate at all

animate: "forward"


Boolean indicating whether to hide the displayElement when initializing Progress.


initiallyHidden: true
updatePosition boolean
updatePosition: false


Selectors are used to indicate which elements in DOM should behave as the different Progress elements.
The value for the option is itself a Javascript object containing name/value pairs:

selectors: {
    selector1Name: "selector 1 string",
    selector2Name: "selector 2 string",

Each selector has a default, as defined below.

Selector name




(required) the element that gets displayed when progress is displayed, could be the indicator or bar or some larger outer wrapper as in an overlay or dialog effect



(required) The container for a file row progress bar.



(required) The element that represents the "progressor" as it grows over time.



(optional) The container for the progress bar's label.



(required, except in the case where another element on the page carries the data required to present progress information to the screen reader, such as the case where there is a total progress indicator, and a sub-total progress indicator)


Any selectors not provided as an option will revert to the default. Implementers may choose to use the default class names in their markup, or customize the selectors, or a combination of these two approaches.

Example using default selectors:

selectors: {
    displayElement: ".flc-progress",
    progressBar: ".flc-progress-bar",
    indicator: ".flc-progress-indicator",
    label: ".flc-progress-label",
    ariaElement: ".flc-progress-bar"



Example mixing up the selectors a bit for a different effect:

selectors: {
    displayElement: ".flc-progress-indicator",
    progressBar: ".flc-progress",
    indicator: ".flc-progress-indicator",
    label: ".flc-progress-label",
    ariaElement: ".flc-progress"



Progress dependencies can be met by including the minified InfusionAll.js file in the header of the HTML file.

<script type="text/javascript" src="InfusionAll.js"></script>

Alternatively, the individual file requirements are:

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.