
Documentation for a historical release of Infusion: 1.4
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fluid.initView(componentName, container, userOptions)

A "view component" is the central initialiation method called as the first act of every Fluid component. This function automatically merges user options with defaults, attaches a DOM Binder to the instance, and configures events. Alternatively, a "view component" is composed of a "little component", "model component", and an "evented component".

fluid.initView = function (componentName, container, userOptions)

File name: Fluid.js


name (Object) The component name
container (Object) The component container
options (Object) The component options

Return value

Object A module with merged options, DOM Binder and configured events

How to create a view component

We want to create an Uploader view component containing a sub-component that identifies the correct uploading strategy for our progressively-enhanced uploader. The Uploader view component can be instantiated in two different ways. See the following examples below:

A direct call to the framework API:

var container = $(".flc-uploader");
var that = fluid.initView("fluid.uploader", container, {
    components: {
        uploaderImpl: {
            type: "fluid.uploaderImpl",
            container: "{uploader}.container",
            options: "{uploader}.uploaderOptions"

Indirect IoC-driven approach:

fluid.defaults("fluid.uploader", {
    gradeNames: ["fluid.viewComponent", "autoInit"],
    components: {
        uploaderImpl: {
        type: "fluid.uploaderImpl",
        container: "{uploader}.container",
        options: "{uploader}.uploaderOptions"

A component grade is required by setting the gradeNames property to "fluid.viewComponent". The "autoInit" grade is included so that the component's actual creator function doesn't need to be written at all.