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fluid.container(containerSpec, fallible)

Fetches a single container element and returns it as a jQuery.

fluid.container(containerSpec, fallible);

File name: Fluid.js


containerSpec (String|jQuery|Element) An id string, a single-element jQuery, or a DOM element specifying a unique container.
fallible (Boolean) (optional) If true, an empty container is to be reported as a valid condition (default: false).

Return Value

jQuery a single-element jQuery of specified container
null if no element is found and fallible is true

See Also


  • If fallible is not specified or is false, fluid.container() will throw an error if the specified DOM node is not found.


var container = fluid.container("#menu-content");
var el = document.getElementById("menu-content");
var container = fluid.container(el);

In both of these examples, fluid.container() returns a jQuery object that wraps the DOM node with an id of "menu-content." In both cases, if the node is not found, an error will be thrown.

var container = fluid.container(".autocomplete-container");
var auto = jQuery(".autocomplete-container");
var container = fluid.container(auto);

In both of these examples, fluid.container() returns a jQuery object that wraps the DOM node with a class of "autocomplete-container." In both cases, more than one such node is found, an error will be thrown.

var container = fluid.container("#no-such-id", true);

In this examples, if no node in the DOM has an id of "no-such-id," fluid.container() will not throw an error since the second argument is true: the return value will simply be null.