
Documentation for a historical release of Infusion: 1.4
Please view the Infusion Documentation site for the latest documentation, or the Infusion 1.3. Documentation for the previous release.
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This functionality is Sneak Peek status. This means that the APIs may change. We welcome your feedback, ideas, and code, but please use caution if you use this new functionality.

This page is being drafted - some information is still missing.



fluid.invoke(functionName, args, that, environment);

File name: FluidIoC.js


functionName (String) The fully namespaced name of the function to invoke
args (Array) An array of arguments to be applied to the function specified in functionPath.
that (Object) description
environment (Object) (optional) A hash of root path segments to objects that can be used to override lookups to the global object. This would typically be used by the Fluid framework itself to direct lookups to the correct version of the root fluid object

Return Value

the return value of functionName


cspace.util.getLoginURL = function (options) {
fluid.defaults("cspace.util.getLoginURL", {
    url: "%chain/loginstatus"

                  args: {
                      url: "%webapp/data/loginstatus.json"
var loginUrl = fluid.invoke("cspace.util.getLoginURL");

In this example, fluid.invoke will resolve the value to use for the url option before calling cspace.util.getLoginURL:

  • In a production environment, the default ("%chain/loginstatus") will be resolved and used.
  • When the cspace.localData context is registered (for example, in a testing environment), the alternative specified in the demands block will be found, resolved and used.