Documentation for a historical release of Infusion: 1.3
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Lightbox Functional Requirements

Functional Requirements for Lightbox

  • In course sites, Instructors ("maintain" in project sites) are allowed to reorganize their images in the Gallery Tool.  The reorganization is persistent until the next time the instructor or TA changes the thumbnail order (see "Displaying images in class site" scenario) . 
  • In course sites, TAs are allowed to reorganize images in the Gallery Tool.  The reorganization is persistent until the next time the instructor or TA changes the thumbnail order.
  • In course sites, students ("access" in project sites?) are allowed to randomly organize the images in the Gallery Tool for their session (see "Review exam study collection" scenario).  Only they see this change.
  • Image order is synched between Image Gallery Tool and the Image Gallery Tool.  Changes to the thumbnail order in Image Gallery are reflected in the order of the files. [fluid:What happens if user starts moving files around from within resources that have already been organized in the Gallery tool?  Won't be intuitive to think they are messing with the order in Gallery.  If we allow them to be out of synch it will cause lots so confusion as the collection continues to receive new images and they get moved around etc.  Should we freeze the move action in resources?]
  • New images added to the collection are added at the beginning of the sequence in alphabetical order (uploaded from resources).  There is visual indication that the images are new.
  • The first 5 sessions a user "moves" images around they will see the additional "you can move me" identifier.  This is necessary for discovery since dynamic movement of thumbnails is fairly new web interaction[fluid:Still need to figure out what this is and if it's necessary].
  • Component will include the ability to move images around as a keyboard-only user in addition to the default behavior.  The keyboard interaction should be as rich as the drag and drop interaction.  The same "interesting moments" are relevant.  See keyboard-only scenarios for detailed description of interactions.  [fluid:The list of interactions should also be listed here].

Requirements for the Gallery Tool (required by the Component)

  • Persistence & Permissions - see functional requirements above
    • In course sites, Instructors (maintain in project sites) are allowed to reorganize their images in the Gallery Tool.  The reorganization is persistent until the next time the instructor changes the thumb nail order (see "Displaying images in class site" scenario) . 
    • In course sites, students (access in project sites?) are allowed to randomly organize the images in the Gallery Tool for their session (see "Review exam study collection" scenario).
  • Currently, selecting a thumbnail in gallery opens the large view of the image.  This behavior will have to change since selecting the thumbnail can also be to move it (with the new component).  A double click should open the large view.  We also need a way for keyboard only users to open the large view of the image.
  • In single image view in the Image Gallery, should the "Return to thumbnail" link be moved closer to the image?  For keyboard users only?   YES
