Documentation for a historical release of Infusion: 1.3
Please view the Infusion Documentation site for the latest documentation.
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Markup for Optimal Screen Reader Experience


  • Add title attribute to Ligtbox itself: title="Lightbox"
  • Add title attribute to each thumb div: title="<fruit> thumbnail"
  • Modify image alt text to say "<fruit> thumbnail"
  • To make the instructions useful:
    • Place instruction div in the tab order, ahead of the Lightbox itself so the user will hear the instructions before they need to know them
    • Modify instruction text to describe how to navigate, how to view, and how to move
      • "Image Lightbox: Select an image using i, k, m or j. View an image by pressing Enter. Move an image using CTRL + i, k, m or j."
    • Duplicate instruction text in the div title attribute
      • if the instructions are not present in the title, IE7 will read the contents of the div, but Firefox will not



Firefox 3 (Minefield)

Firefox 2

IE 7

tab to Instructions

(reads instructions from title)

(reads instructions from title)

(reads instructions from title)

tab to Lightbox

"<fruit> thumbnail, <fruit>, cell"

"<fruit> thumbnail, <fruit>, cell"

"<fruit> thumbnail"

keyboard navigation

"<key>, <fruit> thumbnail, <fruit>, cell"

"<key>, <fruit> thumbnail, <fruit>, cell"

"<key>", "<fruit> thumbnail"

keyboard DnD

"control <key>"

"control <key>"

"control <key> <fruit>"
(where <fruit> is the one moved)

hover over image

tooltip: "<fruit> thumbnail"

"menu" as tooltip appears, "leaving menu" as tooltip disappears
tooltip: "<fruit> thumbnail"

tooltip: "<fruit> thumbnail"

hover over link

tooltip: "<fruit> thumbnail"

"menu" as tooltip appears, "leaving menu" as tooltip disappears
tooltip: "<fruit> thumbnail"

tooltip: "<fruit> thumbnail"

hover over whitespace

tooltip: "<fruit> thumbnail"

"menu" as tooltip appears, "leaving menu" as tooltip disappears
tooltip: "<fruit> thumbnail"

tooltip: "<fruit> thumbnail"


  • the tooltip text is taken from the title on the thumbnail div
  • the spoken text "<fruit> thumbnail" is taken from the image alt text in Firefox and from the title in IE



Firefox 2

IE 7

tab to Instructions

(reads instructions from title)

(reads instructions from title)

tab to Lightbox

"Lightbox, <fruit>, cell, <fruit> thumbnail"

"<fruit> thumbnail, grouping object"

keyboard navigation

"<key>, Lightbox,  <fruit>, cell, <fruit> thumbnail"

"<key>, <fruit> thumbnail, grouping object"

keyboard DnD


"<fruit> thumbnail, grouping object"
(where <fruit> is the one moved)

hover over image

"context menu, pointer XXX" as tooltip appears, "menu closed" as tooltip disappears
tooltip: "<fruit> thumbnail"

"<fruit> thumbnail, pointer XXXX"
tooltip: "<fruit> thumbnail"

hover over link

"<fruit>, context menu, pointer XXX" as tooltip appears, "menu closed" as tooltip disappears
tooltip: "<fruit> thumbnail"

"<fruit> thumbnail, pointer XXXX"
tooltip: "<fruit> thumbnail"

hover over whitespace

"context menu" as tooltip appears, "menu closed" as tooltip disappears
tooltip: "<fruit> thumbnail"

"<fruit> thumbnail"
tooltip: "<fruit> thumbnail"


  • Firefox 3 (Minefield) cannot be used with Window-Eyes
  • the tooltip text is taken from the title on the thumbnail div for the link text, and from the alt text for the image
  • the "<fruit> thumbnail" is taken from the title attribute, not the alt text