Inline Edit Functions

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Inline Edit Functions


These functions are defined on the central that object returned from the inlineEdit construction function - for example with

var that = fluid.inlineEdit(componentContainer, options);

Switches the component into edit mode. The events onBeginEdit and afterBeginEdit will fire.


Switches the component out of edit mode into display mode, updating the displayed text with the current content of the edit field. The events onFinishEdit and afterFinishEdit will fire. If the model value has changed, there will be a call to modelUpdated in between these calls.


Cancels the in-progress edit and switches back to view mode.


Determines if the component is currently in edit mode: Returns true if edit mode is shown, false if view mode is shown.


Updates the state of the inline editor in the DOM, based on changes that may have happened to the model.


Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the tooltip is enabled.

  * Pushes external changes to the model into the inline editor, refreshing its
  * rendering in the DOM. The modelChanged event will fire.
  * @param {String} newValue The bare value of the model, that is, the string being edited
  * @param {Object} source An optional "source" (perhaps a DOM element) which triggered this event
that.updateModelValue(newValue, source);

Updates the component's internal representation of the text to a new value. If the value differs from the existing value, the modelChanged event will fire and the component will be re-rendered.

  * Pushes external changes to the model into the inline editor, refreshing its
  * rendering in the DOM. The modelChanged event will fire.
  * @param {Object} newValue The full value of the new model, that is, a model object which
  *      contains the editable value as the element named "value"
  * @param {Object} source An optional "source" (perhaps a DOM element) which triggered this event
that.updateModel(newValue, source);

Similar to updateModelValue, only accepts specification of the overall model object (housing the editable value under the key value).


Not a function, but a data structure. This directly represents the "model" or state of the editable component. External users should consider this structure as read-only, and only make modifications through the updateModel call above.


The following options to the creator functions can be used to customize the behaviour of the Inline Edit component: