Uploader User Testing - Round 3
Completed November 2008 by Erin Yu, Jonathan Hung, Daphne Ogle, Allison Bloodworth, John Chong
High-level summary to be added after testing has been completed.
The 3rd round of testing will focus on the users' behaviour and thoughts on the actionable buttons on the Uploader - whether they should be included, what they should be called, what they should do.
This test should discover:
- Whether there is a need for the users to be able to pause or cancel the upload
- Do the users want Cancel?
- If the users do want Cancel while uploading, what do they expect Cancel to do? Canceling the entire upload including already uploaded files vs. Canceling remaining files in the queue
- If the users want the Cancel feature, what would they call it? Possible answers: Cancel, Stop, Close, etc.
- In what contexts do they want Cancel and what do they expect it to do?
- Do the users want Pause?
- In what contexts do they want Pause and what do they expect it to do?
- Is it obvious to the users whether the files are successfully uploaded?
- What would the users like to do when they see an error?
Success Criteria
A successful design has been achieved when:
Method and test coordinator script.
Test across a range of technology skill of students and faculty. Users tested in this round are from the University of Toronto and the University of California Berkeley.
Interaction Design
Underlying design patterns and description of component behavior.
Test Environment
Location and version of the environment that was used. Attach a screenshot of the environment at the time of testing if the environment will change over time.
- Two sets of screen mock-ups were used to help put users in context and ask questoins about the actionable items in the Uploader in various states.
Full notes and analysis of the user tests.
Uploader User Testing - Round 3 Results
- When asked about the cancel button, one user said: "I think of it all as one set to delete. I'd want to delete them all at once."
- 1 user expected all files to be removed on cancel. Another user thought ideally that should be the interaction but understood that technically it would be difficult.
- 5 of 7 users understood canceling in the middle of uploading files would cancel any remaining files (that still have the red x) and the files that had already been uploaded (green check) would be uploaded. Although one user said ideally they would all be removed since he thinks of them as one set of things.
- 6 of 7 users were not certain which files would be canceled upon clicking cancel. 1 user said, "in math we'd say it's not well defined".
- 1 user recommended the gray progress bar remain on the files that have been uploaded to help indicate their status.
- 6 of 7 users wanted to see why the files errored so they could correct it.
- 4 of 7 users thought the window should just close once files were successfully uploaded.
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