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Uploader User Testing - Round 3 Protocol

Reference: User Testing Protocol

Supporting Materials:

Greeting script

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'User Testing Greeting Script'.

User Testing Demographic Questionnaire


Task 1: Fill-in-the-buttons

a print-out of UploaderTask1.doc, post-it notes, a pen

Place a printed copy of the first page of UploaderTask1.doc in front of the user

You would like to upload the next 4 Assignments for your Course (in this example, Spanish 101). These are word documents on your computer. You have logged onto Sakai, clicked on the course site tab, and opened the Resources tool. You've already created a folder called Assignments and uploaded Assignment 1 to 10 already last week. So this is the screen you see.

To upload the new set of assignments, you have clicked on Add, then Upload Files on this screen.  Once you click on Upload Files you will see this upload files screen.

Fold the remainder of the word doc pages in half and place on top of the first page (screenshot of the Resources tool) one at a time. Provide small blank post-its.

As you put each screen in front of them, have them walk you through what they would do.  As they get to the 3rd screen, you'll want to ask them what actions they would like to see and ask them to create buttons that they would expect to see on the page.
Screen 1. What would you do on this screen?
Screen 2. And next, what would you do here?
Screen 3. You have started to upload the files, and realize you grabbed the wrong set of files.  These are not the ones you want to upload.  What would you want do?  You can add actions to the page.  Just add these post-its as buttons and label them however you'd like.
Screen 4. And now assume you have uploaded the correct files.  What would you expect to be able to do?  Can you add buttons for what you'd like to do next?
Screen 5. Now assume in the previous upload, 2 files errored and did not upload correctly.  Again, can you create buttons to allow you to take the appropriate action(s)?

Task 2: Evaluate the design and tell us about your expectations

Preparation:  Print out the screens below.  The best way to print them is from the attachments.

User Setup:  Explain that you will put screens in front of the user that are at various stages of upload.  

Screen1:  What do you think is going on here?  If you pressed CANCEL what would you expect to happen?

Screen 2:  Can you tell me about this screen?  What do you think is going on?  What do you expect pressing the Done button would do?

Screen 3: This is the same as the 1st screen I showed you.  What would you expect clicking on pause would do here?  How about cancel?

Screen 4:  When you've paused the upload, here is what you see. Does it make sense? What would you do next?

Notes for Test Coordinator

Offering help during the test

Don't offer help; let the user attempt to perform the task themselves. If they ask for help reply with:

  • "What do you think you/that would do?"
  • "What do you think that means (e.g. remove, checkmark, warning sign icons)?"

You want to observe whether users are able to:

  • recognize that they can upload files
  • select multiple files from the OS file system
  • cancel or pause upload in progress
  • remove files