Documentation for a historical release of Infusion: 1.3
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Dropdown Inline Edit Specification

The Dropdown Inline Edit Storycards are available on the Dropdown Inline Edit Storycards page.

The current storycards are:

  • Edit information with constrained choices in context. When editing/selecting, the choices are displayed in a dropdown.
  • Display current selection while viewing new choices
  • Undo edit
  • Redo edit (undo the undo)
  • If empty, display a message to let user know information can be entered

Dropdown Inline Edit Storyboard

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  • Whether or not user can select multiple items from the list
  • Field width
  • # of options to show (vertically) in dropdown without scrolling
  • Hover text (e.g. "Click item to edit" is the default)
  • Text inside field when opened (e.g. "Choose one" is the default)
  • Whether the display of the field changes on mouseover (e.g. whether a yellow highlight and outline (with drop-down arrow) of field appears)
  • What invitation text is displayed in an empty field (e.g. "Click to edit" is the default)
  • Whether or not any invitation text is displayed in empty field