Virtual healthcare co-design future ideas
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Following up on Round 1
In the first round of co-design efforts focuses on identifying challenges, successes, barriers, and their contexts. Based on the stories and other artifacts from that co-design, subsequent iterations of co-design can expand to explore more specific areas of interest.
Developing Guideline Criteria from Personal Needs and Preferences, and their Contexts
The stories from Round 1 are revealing that there are personal needs and preferences in healthcare experiences. Subsequent co-design can explore ways to help individuals articulate their personal needs and preferences, and their contexts in terms of healthcare interaction criteria. These explorations can also begin to address criteria for functional barriers in virtual healthcare.
For example, if a person expresses "I wish I can speak to my doctor in my native language", a possible criteria might be "Virtual healthcare systems and processes should support multiple languages".
Software Tools for Personal Needs and Preferences
Subsequent co-design iterations can explore how software tools can address personal needs and preferences. Such software tools could include features platforms should support, or existing tools that can improve access.
For example, if a person expresses "I wish I can speak to my doctor in my native language", a possible software solution might be to provide a translation service, or for virtualcare platforms to be easily translatable.
Subsequent co-design iterations can explore processes that created challenges and barriers identified by round 1 co-designers. Such processes could include:
- registering and booking online appointments
- attending online appointments
- client / patient intake
- sudden unexpected health event (like an injury) that forces someone to decide what to do next
- accessing lab / test results
Brainstorming Questions to Answer for Virtual Healthcare Guideline Criteria
- What is something you wished virtual healthcare can do for you?
- What is something you would improve about virtual healthcare currently?
- What are some challenges you have had engaging in virtual healthcare?
- If you haven't used virtual healthcare, what are the reasons?
- What do you wish your healthcare team (doctor, nurse, practitioner) understood about you so your healthcare experiences could be better? This question addresses personal needs and preferences.
- Have you used:
- virtual visits?
- personal health monitoring?
- accessing personal medical records online?
- online prescriptions?
Brainstorming Questions to Answer for Personalized Virtual Care Platforms
- Would you use a virtual healthcare platform? What are some likes / dislikes about them?
- What does personalized virtual care mean to you?
- What does your ideal / personalized healthcare platform do? What features does it have? What is the experience like start to finish?
- Healthcare platform could be: virtual visits, accessing medical records, personal health monitoring (i.e. a wearable, or personal data logging)
- What apps or websites do you use that make your life easier?
Brainstorming Round 2 Co-design Activities
- Journey mapping of existing virtual healthcare solutions:
- Virtual visits - registering, booking, setting up, attending, follow-up
- Personal healthcare devices / remote patient monitoring
- Accessing health information
- Filling out prescriptions
- Idea mashups
- Combine tools and processes
- Combine different sectors / industries
- choose an sector / industry which meets your needs. Now mash it up with virtual healthcare. What does this look like?
- i.e. Combine online food ordering with healthcare.
Additional Stakeholders
Later iterations of co-design can expand to include other stakeholders in the healthcare system / process such as practitioners, nurses, and other individuals who play a role in a circle of care.