Functional Accessibility Requirements content draft

Functional Accessibility Requirements content draft

via Jutta

(modified to reflect needs, not deficits, and to switch to point of view of reader) 

 Criteria: same cost, availability and functionality 

Where visual modes of presentation are provided:  

  • at least one configuration must be provided that does not require vision,  

  • visual presentation must be adjustable to support limited vision (magnification, contrast, spacing, visual emphasis, layout) 

  • at least one configuration must convey information without dependence on colour distinction 

  • visual presentation that triggers photosensitive seizures must be avoided 


Where auditory modes of presentation are provided:  

  • at least one configuration must be provided that does not require hearing 

  • audio presentation must be adjustable to support limited hearing (volume, reduced background noise) 


Where speech is required to operate a function: 

  • at least one configuration must be provided that does not require speech 


Where manual dexterity is required for operation: 

  • the opportunity to use alternative modes of operation must be provided 

  • at least one mode of operation must be provided that enables operation through actions that do not involve fine motor control, path dependant gestures, pinching, twisting of the wrist, tight grasping, or simultaneous manual actions (e.g., one handed operation) 


Where hand strength is required for operation:  

at least one alternative mode of operation must be provided that does not require hand strength 


Where operation requires reach: 

operational elements must be within reach of all users 


Where memorization is required for use: 

  • at least one configuration must provide memory supports or eliminate the demand on memorization or accurate recall 

(unless the purpose is to teach or test memorization) 


Where text literacy is required for use: 

  • at least one configuration must provide literacy supports or eliminate the demand for text literacy (e.g., text-to-speech, pictorial representation) 

  • at least one configuration must provide clear language 

  • (unless the purpose is to teach or test text literacy) 


Where extended attention is required for use: 

at least one configuration must reduce demand on attention or enable use with limited attention 


Where operation has time limits: 

at least one configuration must enable extension or elimination of time limits 


Where controlled focus is required for use: 

at least one configuration must provide support for focus or eliminate demand on controlled focus. 


Where specific sequencing of steps for operation is required: 

at least one configuration  must provide support for sequencing steps, or eliminate the demand on specific sequencing of operation steps. 

  • (unless the purpose is to teach or test accurate sequencing) 


Where abstract thinking is required:  

  • at least one configuration must reduce demand on understanding of abstractions (e.g., acronyms, allegory, metaphor), unless the purpose is to teach or test abstract thinking) 

  • (unless the purpose is to teach or test abstract thinking) 


Where accuracy of input is required: 

a simple undo must be available 


Where biometrics are employed: 

alternative methods of identification must be made available