2011-12-20 Skype Call

Access For All Meeting – Dec. 20, 2011


Gregg Vanderheiden
Andy Heath
Liddy Nevile
Gerhard Weber
Vassilis Koutkias
Kasper Markus
Jutta Treviranus

Updates since last:

  • Wiki: Changed title to Access For All, added page to address goals
    *Listserve created – details of how to sign up will be sent by mail

Unaddressed needs and preferences:

We are trying to identify the areas that we might not be covering (enough), where we need to recruit expertise/user input on these areas and mechanisms for how to recruit these.

Looking at needs and preferences gaps not addresses by 24751/other profile standards:

  • What is not addressed and what is inadequately addressed
  • What do we need further input on
  • We’re both looking at types of needs and contexts that isn’t expressible in current standards.

Previously Identified areas:

  1. Cognitive access associated with aging (Gregg)
  2. Linguistic access – what happens when you’re learning a second language/trying to function within non-primary language (OPAL group can provide aspect of linguistic needs in education area/second language learning), Jutta has contacts with English as a second language group in Canada. (Jutta)


  1. Deaf/Blindness (Gregg)
  2. Literacy (both dominant language and adopted language)
  3. Non-speaking (Jutta)
  4. Emotional and mental health (Jutta)
  5. Technology literacy (e-literacy) (Andy)
  6. Cultural preferences (huge variety – social networks, culture vs. social conventions, also tribal communities/tree hierarchal structure) (Jutta)

How to engage the groups:

Contact via mail:

  • Will be based on boiler plate from wiki
  • The person who knows the group/context will personalize/word it appropriately for the group/person being invited
  • Letters will be sent from chairs of group (Jutta/Gottfried)


  • Workshop/Webinar: we come to them and brief on where we are and get some input
  • Some might want to participate in weekly meetings

Action Items:

  • Jutta: Will post a two paragraph description of what were trying to do – will post it to the wiki – boiler plate for letters to groups (experts/end users)
  • Contact to groups:
    • Jutta: Linguistic Access – English as a second language group in canada, (kasper: didn’t catch whether OPAL should be contacted as well)
    • Jutta: -Cultural Preferences_ – Jutta has two potential contacts, as well as contact to global first nations advocacy group.
    • Jutta: Emotional and mental health
    • Jutta: Non-speaking - (already has recruited, not sure if more needs to be done)
    • Literacy - ????
    • Andy: Technology literacy (e-literacy) – (UK drivers license thing)
    • Gregg: Cognitive Access associated with agingl
    • Gregg: Deaf blindness