2012-03-13 Meeting
- Andy
- Gregg
- Jutta T.
- Liddy
- Matthew Atkinson
- Vassilis
- Gottfried
- Annuska
Action Items
- [ANDY] Recruit participant experts in Digital Literacy: (Andy will make a cold contact.)
- Pending. Andy waiting for reply.
- Jutta Croll has contacts too. Needs more details on what expertise is needed. Andy: Jutta & Jutta should talk about this. ECDL = European Computer Driving License.
- Jutta T.: We want to capture all needs of users that we didn't capture in the first round (24751). By end of Feb. we want to have a comprehensive set of preferences.
- Andy: What are we expecting from these experts, e.g. participation in calls, etc.? What process do we follow if they can't join the calls? Jutta: Ageing group will have a focused discussion, organized by Jutta T. Process specific to group.
- Information: Andy has talked to DCL. Friend in discussion with Loughborough university, also in DCL. Should draw on the eLearning lists in the UK.
- [GREGG V] To get a contact with Deaf - Blindness
- Talked with Amy Parker, she is interested and willing to contribute
- [Jutta ]: will hold a 1-2 hour consultation with all of the Bianca Stern Andrew Arch and David Sloan
- Will happen this week
- Jutta: Make a list of user groups involved, and those whose needs haven't been captured yet
Status Update: User (Experts) Involvement
Groups to be involved:
- Ageing (Focused discussion organized by Jutta T.)
- Autism (Annuska)
- LD, low vision, blindness: Gregg will get feedback from TextHelp. They are submitting their setting files.
- Digital Literacy: nothing new.
For recruiting, see Recruiting Input Regarding Needs and Preferences.
Discussion on Profile Structure
Refer to Discussion on Profile Structure.
Discussion on Metadata
- Email message by Andy on 2012-02-07. http://lists.idrc.ocad.ca/pipermail/accessforall/2012-February/000034.html
- Schema.org: http://schema.org/
- NSDL Paradata standard: https://nsdlnetwork.org/stemexchange/paradata
- Link to Paradata learning registry: http://www.learningregistry.org/
Future Agenda Items
- One API or two APIs for the match maker?
- Simple 1-to-1 relation between user profile properties and adaptation parameters?
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