2012-01-10 Meeting Minutes

Access for All Meeting - Jan 10, 2012


  1. Jutta Treviranus   (Chair)
  2. Gregg Vanderheiden   (Minutes)
  3. Andy Heath
  4. Kasper Markus
  5. Liddy Nevile
  6. Gottfried Zimmermann
  7. Alexandros Mourouzis
  8. Trifon Trifonov


  1. Assign minute taker   (GREGG VAN)s
  2. Review progress on action items
  3. Context - what do we mean, should it be another standard, how does it fit 
  4. Organize consultation with participant experts 
  5. Housekeeping
  6. Other business

Progress on action items

Recruitment of participant experts:

  • Andy: David Sloan now on board for aging
  • Jutta has representative from OPAL for Linguistic Access <JUTTA TO ADD Contact DETAIL> and First Nations Group  
  • People looking at Digital systems and mental health - but not yet confirmed.
  • Paul Marshall from Blissymbols group has agreed if others not available 
  • Jutta: will hold a 1-2 hour consultation with all of the Bianca Stern   Andrew Arch    and  David Sloan
  • [Kasper] Create a Lessons Learned in WIKI (DONE DURING MEETING – now at Lessons+Learned)

New and Carry-Over Action Items for NEXT Meeting

  1. [ANDY] Recruit participant experts in Digital Literacy: (Andy will make a cold contact.)
  2. [GREGG V] To get a contact with Deaf - Blindness
  3. [Jutta ]: will hold a 1-2 hour consultation with all of the Bianca Stern   Andrew Arch    and  David Sloan

Context - what do we mean, should it be another standard, how does it fit

Some ideas on the Context discussion

I have created a page to introduce my view on Context

  • Context is commonly used, abused and misunderstood term. 
    • in Access4all it is parent item
    • some things covered
      • type of device,  
      • environment,  
      • AT with you or built in, 
      • role you are playing
  • Need to establish
    • how does context come into this
    • how is it defined / scoped
    • do we need another standard for context? 
  • Issues   (THESE ARE DISCUSSION NOTES - NOT DECISIONS)** 24751 is confusing to some because it is hierarchical 
      • for every possible context you need to specify the specific requirements -- can be burdensome
    • A goal might be to make the structure simpler
    • Do away with the nested structure?
      • No assumption we will go with current structure
      • Look at needs first and discuss structure later
      • Structure will be one of the most important parts (can change elements later)
    • Is there a different way of dealing with context
      • things we can detect
        • context of devices and environment 
      • things not easily detectable
        • Roles of person - changing (defining) the context
    • when using Usage Metrics
      • what was preferred last time
      • auto create preferences based on observations  
    • Keep it simple
      • create value pairs
      • exclusion rules? (things that can't overlap)
  • Can we define the scope of CONTEXT for our use
    • Device profiles? 
      • Problem with things changing so fast
      • two ways they can be used
        • technical things about device
        • user's non-technical desires
    • Context is the trigger (one of the potential triggers) for the preferences 
    • What parts of context do we need to deal with in this standard (24751)
      • NONE?
      • ALL?
  • What are all types of CONEXT  (in or out of scope)
    • type of device (or device characteristics)
    • environment,
    • AT with you or built in, 
    • role you are playing
  • What are the USER CHOOSABLE context items  (are only  USER CHOOSABLE items  'in scope')
    • role you are playing
    • ability for the user to override any automatic "context" data?   (including device? and environment?)
    • any "context" setting that the user can set or override would be "in scope" 
    • part of question is what is reasonable to put in standard and what is too complicated (e.g.  RGB settings)



Other business

FROM RICH :  access 4 all v3 first public working draft is close to being done we will need a way to synch up or there will be a collision