2012-03-27 Meeting

2012-03-27 Meeting

Date & Time

Tue Mar 27, 18:00 UTC

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This meeting is being held as part of the Raising the Floor Consortium.  The Raising the Floor membership agreement, in particular its IPR policy, applies to the contents of the meeting.


  • Gregg
  • Andy
  • Colin
  • Jutta
  • Kasper
  • Liddy
  • Vassilis
  • Christophe Strobbe
  • Gottfried


Jutta: User expert groups are still devising and refining lists.  They are meeting.

Gregg: List of questions to convey to experts.

Liddy: We need a list of what we already have.

RESOLUTION: Let's revisit this issue in July 2012. Then reach out to user groups.

  • GV: Deaf - Blindness- Amy Parker
  • AH: Digital Literacy - Frank Pretty; Ageing - David Sloan & Jutta Croll
  • JT: Bianca Stern, Andrew Arch and  David Sloan (see Wiki for user groups)
  • Autism - Annuska

Action Items

Drop these items on next agenda:

  1. CLOSED [ANDY] Recruit participant experts in Digital Literacy: (Andy will make a cold contact.)
    1. Pending. Andy waiting for reply.
    2. Jutta Croll has contacts too. Needs more details on what expertise is needed. Andy: Jutta & Jutta should talk about this. ECDL = European Computer Driving License.
    3. Jutta T.: We want to capture all needs of users that we didn't capture in the first round (24751).  By end of Feb. we want to have a comprehensive set of preferences.
    4. Andy: What are we expecting from these experts, e.g. participation in calls, etc.?  What process do we follow if they can't join the calls?  Jutta: Ageing group will have a focused discussion, organized by Jutta T.  Process specific to group.
    5. Information: Andy has talked to DCL. Friend in discussion with Loughborough university, also in DCL. Should draw on the eLearning lists in the UK.
  2. CLOSED [GREGG V] To get a contact with Deaf - Blindness- Amy Parker
    1. Talked with Amy Parker, she is interested and willing to contribute
  3. DONE [Jutta ]: will hold a 1-2 hour consultation with all of the Bianca Stern, Andrew Arch and  David Sloan
    1. Will happen this week
  4. CLOSED Jutta: Make a list of user groups involved, and those whose needs haven't been captured yet

Status Update: User (Experts) Involvement

This agenda item should be a regular item on the agenda item "Updates".

Groups to be involved:

  • Ageing (Focused discussion organized by Jutta T.)
  • Autism (Annuska)
  • LD, low vision, blindness: Gregg will get feedback from TextHelp.  They are submitting their setting files.
  • Digital Literacy: nothing new.

For recruiting, see Recruiting Input Regarding Needs and Preferences.

Member Agreement

See Gregg's proposal at http://lists.idrc.ocad.ca/pipermail/accessforall/2012-March/000127.html.

Gregg will fix a few things in the draft agreement, and then resend to the mailing list.  Then post on our Wiki, and have members of this working group sign and send original by post.

Discussion on Profile Structure

Refer to Discussion on Profile Structure.

Next steps:

  • Gregg will clean it up and move it to http://wiki.gpii.net.
  • Then separate discussion from the issues/statements list.  A separate page for each item's discussion and illustrations.

Discussion on Metadata

Don't need this as a standing agenda item.  Maybe as appendix with resource links.


Future Meetings

Tue Apr 3, 12:00-16:00 UTC

  • Agenda?

Change meeting time for the summer:

  • 12:00 UTC = 5am PDT = 6am MDT = 7am CDT = 8am EDT = 2pm CET = 11pm East Australian Time
  • Needs and Preferences (NP) working group
  • New mailing list npwg (at) lists.gpii.net?  As alias?  Good to keep the old archive.

Future Agenda Items

  1. One API or two APIs for the match maker?
  2. Simple 1-to-1 relation between user profile properties and adaptation parameters?


  • at 20:00 UTC


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