2012-04-24 Meeting
Tue April 24, 12:00-14:00 UTC
This meeting is being held as part of the Raising the Floor Consortium. The Raising the Floor membership agreement, in particular its IPR policy, applies to the contents of the meeting.
- Thomas (CERTH)
- Gregg (RtF-I)
- Andy (Axelrod Access for All)
- Gottfried, Andreas, Christophe (HDM)
- Ulrike Peter (SDC)
- Vassilis (CERTH)
- Liddy (Sunrise)
- Jim Tobias (Inclusive Technologies)
- Kasper (RtF-I)
- Andres Iglesias (Technosite)
- Gerhard Weber (TUD)
Updates (including user groups involvement)
No updates.
Discussion on Profile Structure
Refer to http://wiki.gpii.net/index.php/Discussion_on_Profile_Structure.
- Glossary (http://wiki.gpii.net/index.php/Profile_Glossary)
- Conditions: topic remains open; proposals are requested for discussion in the next meeting.
- Topic 6: How to refer to main registry and application specific registry? Topic closed.
- Topic 14: Where other standards provide useful key definitions, can we import them by using their domain as part of the key URI? Reworded as: "Where other standards provide useful key definitions, we can adopt their meaning, and provide missing parts in our namespace, and reference them. If they are identical, we produce a remote alias for the term" and closed.
- Topic 15: We will not develop key definitions related to device and usage context. However, should we import such keys from other standards? Reworded as: "Will we develop common condition terms (e.g. device and usage context)?" and left open for later.
- Topic 43: How do we store the stages of approval for a property definitions (cf. Issue #1)? See action items.
- Topic 46: Do we allow duplicate core properties for the same measure in different units, e.g. inches vs. millimeters? Added: "Or are these just different conditions?" Topic left open.
Action Items
- Look at existing ISO standards that use a registry approach. (See topic 43.)
- Formulate proposals for dealing with conditions (see topic 34).
Future Meetings
Tue May 8, 12:00 UTC
Future Agenda Items
Appendix A: Metadata Resources
- Email message by Andy on 2012-02-07. http://lists.idrc.ocad.ca/pipermail/accessforall/2012-February/000034.html
- Schema.org: http://schema.org/
- NSDL Paradata standard: https://nsdlnetwork.org/stemexchange/paradata
- Link to Paradata learning registry: http://www.learningregistry.org/
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