2012-01-24 Meeting

2012-01-24 Meeting Minutes


    â€¢ Gregg Vanderheiden
    â€¢ Andy Heath
    â€¢ Gottfried
    â€¢ Liddy Neville
    â€¢ Jutta Treviranus
    â€¢ Alexandros Mourouzis
    â€¢ Vassilis Koutkias
    â€¢ Trifon Trifonov
    â€¢ Kasper Markus

Assign minute taker

Gregg Van

1.  Review Action Items

    â€¢ [ANDY] Recruit participant experts in Digital Literacy: (Andy will make a cold contact.)
        â€¢ in process
    â€¢ [GREGG V] To get a contact with Deaf - Blindness
        â€¢ Very interested in participating along with a group of deaf-blind individuals -- wants to know what they should do
        â€¢ Jutta said that there is a list of what we want them to do on the WIKI
    â€¢ The first consultation with end user experts representing aging has met. This has gleaned a number of new needs and preference facets related to privacy, security, trustworthiness and credibility assessment. Further consultations will be taking place over the coming weeks.
    â€¢ Jutta: Make a list of user groups involved, and those whose needs haven't been captured yet

2. Discussion of timeline and deliverables
    â€¢ Don't want to wait til we have full list of properties or we will never be done -- never be able to start
    â€¢ so want to have an extensible list
    â€¢ so should use a Registry Model
        â€¢ Standard defines the structure for storing them   (name-value pair)
        â€¢ and the process for adding them.
    â€¢ this allows us to put together a list of properties
    â€¢ Value pairs can include context variables as well as features or settings or material descriptors
    â€¢ Allows more organic process for adding things.
        â€¢ Method for adding to the Core
            â€¢ informal?
            â€¢ informal?
    â€¢ Pairs idea is great but not enough.   Places you want to express relationships
    â€¢ Start simple and add as needed.
    â€¢ Start with core set and allow people to add
        â€¢ a few rules --  
            â€¢ if you add something it is important to tell what category it belongs to..  or some such.  
            â€¢ (is this new or a refinement of something there)
    â€¢ TWO ideas
        â€¢ one - have a CORE set of key value pairs and a  LIVE set of
            â€¢ allows both a stable set and a
    â€¢ Alternate views of the value pairs - different groups
    â€¢ people asking for a credibility assessment when being asked for private information
        â€¢ how safe is it to give this web site information.
        â€¢ so this would be a value pair  of   SITE CREDIBILITY
    â€¢ perhaps have different levels   1 to 4
    â€¢ Better to have the values mean something to user
    â€¢ categories can help group things and there is precedent
    â€¢ methods for grouping/relating items
    â€¢ in this instance of the new standard we need to take into account the user perspective
    â€¢ Use TAGGING instead of CATEGORIES since things may belong to more than one category
    â€¢ for next meeting focus on structure and registry maintenance
    â€¢ after that focus use cases and semantic issues (defining the set of descriptors)
    â€¢ CORE handled through registry maintenance
    â€¢ Split into two groups ???
        â€¢ one on structure and process etc (that would be standardized)
        â€¢ one that would be value pairs that would be registered.
    â€¢ Or is this just a sequence issue.   structure and then content -- but needs to be iterative because the interact.
    â€¢ Which of the available structures we want to use.
        â€¢ flat ?
        â€¢ algorithmic?
        â€¢ Categories? Tags?
        â€¢ Shouldn’t be inventing a system.
    â€¢ Structure and Content need to involve common people
        â€¢ structure needs to attend content
        â€¢ content may be less interested in structure (til its done)
    â€¢ Registry maintenance allows for
        â€¢ should include items being kicked out

3. Scope and structure of standard to be developed

4. Housekeeping
5. Other business

5. Next week

    â€¢ Formalized registry vs less formal way to include things.
    â€¢ structure
    â€¢ separate overall group for collection of needs and prefe

    â€¢ at 20:05 UTC