2012-07-05 Device Task Force

Tue July 5th, 4 PM CEST

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This meeting is being held as part of the Raising the Floor Consortium. The Raising the Floor membership agreement, in particular its IPR policy, applies to the contents of the meeting.





Collect Our Usecases


CSS Media Query

Next steps

  • Specify a Device Registry

Action Items

  • Andy find out if the IndieUI Apple proposal is public and can be distributed
  • Andreas write spec of device registry
  • Andreas set up a poll for a meeting date in the "19th" week

Future Meetings

July 19th, 4pm CEST

July 26th, 4pm CEST

Future Agenda Items


1. To talk free using Web click. https://www3.gotomeeting.com/join/705233502
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2. Or, call in using your telephone.

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