Team practice development "wishlist"
A place for IDRC team members to list the topics they’d be interested in learning about. This is meant to be a planning tool for meetings, discussions, and other practice development opportunities.
Topics or ideas:
TAE service design show and tell
Planning and organizing work with GitHub and Git. GitHub and Git are flexible tools and I’d love to discuss strategies that people have used to plan and organize work. I’m thinking about things like: GitHub Projects and Issues, Git branching, commit messages, and merge strategies. (Simon)
Data Communities Toolkit show and tell
Ecocultural Mapping Tool and Gathering show and tell
Financial Inclusion community led codesign strategies
Weavely show and tell, and co-design strategies
Formats that can be used:
Workshops / tutorials, ex. a figma design library building series where people can build a design library for their projects, or a collective wireframing design library
Lightning talks
Community lunch and learns (seeking out external folks to share knowledge)
Project show and tells