Baby Bliss Bot
About this project
The Baby Bliss Bot project delves into the realm of using AI tools for language development and translation to enhance communication for individuals who utilize Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices and rely on a minority language system.
The article Baby Bliss Bot Project examines the background of Blissymbolics, the potential of AI technology, and the objectives of the project.
The article Baby Bliss Bot - Experiments with AI describes AI experiments conducted by the project so far. These investigations provide valuable insights into both the potential and constraints of these systems, shedding light on their significance to the Baby Bliss Bot project.
See the Articles section on the side menu for other aspects we have worked or are working on.
Live website
Live Deploy of the Adaptive Palette
Sunburst Keyboard Design Ideas
The project has two weekly meeting: the language development meeting and the technical meeting. The language meeting is recorded and shared in this Google Drive folder and the Baby Bliss Bot YouTube channel. Meeting notes documents are:
This project is supported by grants from The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and IDEA.
Project documents
Working documents
Documents being actively worked on.
Project related documents and references can be found at the Baby Bliss Bot Google Drive.
Reference documents
Documents to reference for current work.
Technical Information
Technical Issues
Drag and Drop in the (p)react ecosystem
A platform and service that connects the disability and Deaf communities and their supporters with organizations and businesses (Federally Regulated Organizations) to work on accessibility projects together.
IDRC Contact
@Cindy Li
Project Team