Examining Dash and Dot for Accessibility

Accessibility Considerations

Potential Barrier

Complexity of Addressing Issue (0 - 5)

(How inaccessible does this make it for your students?)


There are text instructions that require reading (i.e. are not presented auditorily or supported by images).

Rating: N/A
There are no text instructions.

Text is used to label/categorize and is not accessible auditorily or supported by images.

Rating: 5

Categories and labels are not accessible in auditory forms or supported by images on Block.ly

Reading text is also required to select and set parameters for commands in the app.

Coding vocabulary is not explained.

Rating: 3

During instruction, teachers will need to explicitly teach coding vocabulary. When students are using the app independently, there are no reminders or explanations to support them. 

There are tooltips/hints that require reading (i.e. are not presented auditorily or supported by images).

Rating: N/A

There are letter, word and/or number recognition required.

Rating: 3

Reading text and numbers is required to operate Dash and Dot on Block.ly device. 

Additional Comments: 


Students are required to type correctly spelled commands in order to carry out tasks.

Rating: 0

No writing/typing is required.

Students are required to compose sentences to program a storyline (i.e. character conversation)

Rating: 0

No writing/typing is required.

Additional Comments: 


Students are required to store information and recall it later to carry out a task.

Rating: N/A.

Students are required to follow a large number of steps sequentially that are not broken down.

Rating: N/A

Level of barrier dependent on task.

Students are required to have an understanding /prior knowledge of certain concepts in order to carry out tasks. (i.e. left/right, sequencing)

Rating: 3

Concepts of direction (i.e. left, right, up, down), degrees, time, speed and sequencing are involved when making full use of the app.

Students are required to follow fast paced instructions.

Rating: N/A

User is not required to complete a task within set time-frame.

Students are required to follow instructions that are provided auditorily but not visually.

Rating: N/A

No auditory instructions.

Students are required to divide their attention between the robot and the controlling device.

Rating: 3

User is required to attend to the app and the movement/actions of the robot.

Students are required to orient self in relation to objects (i.e. what is forward for me compared to what is forward for the robot)

Rating: 3 

User is required to recognize the location and orientation of the robot in relation to self and be able to recognize what is “front” on the robot. 

Additional Comments: 

Visual Perceptual

Students are required to have good spatial awareness to carry out the task.

Rating: 4

User is required to have an awareness of spatial directions in relation to self and in relation to the front of the robot.

Students are required to perceive ratios or relationships of size, distance etc...

Rating: 2-3

User is required to perceive size, distance and angles that pertain to the task.

Students are required to transfer their understanding of concepts from different perspectives and/or planes.


Students are required to sort through and focus attention to several icons and features on a single page.

Rating: 3-4

Students are required to perceive and recognize colours. 

Rating: 2 

Commands are categorized using colour. The lights on the robot are also a range of colours. Specific colours (like red-green) would be difficult to distinguish for someone with colorblindness. 

Students are required to scan field of view and see all relevant aspects.

Rating: 3

User is required to scan field of view and track where the robot goes.

Additional Comments:

Fine Motor

Students are required to move items seamlessly using a small, single point of contact (i.e. finger)

Rating: 4

All commands require use of touchscreen and drag-and-drop is used to build a sequence (on Block.ly)

Students are required to manipulate small objects in close proximity.

Rating: 3

Small objects on the screen require manipulation.

Students are required to effectively use a mouse (i.e. for scrolling, clicking and dragging)

Rating: N/A

A mouse is not required. 

Students are required to perform complex gestures to carry out tasks. (i.e. pinch, 3 finger tap)

Rating: 2

Simple gestures are required (e.g. tapping, drag and drop) but complex gestures (e.g. 3 finger scroll) are not needed to build sequence. 

Students are required to put together small pieces.

Rating: 0

No assembly required with the exception of using add-on accessories (launcher, xylophone, bunny ears, ect.)

Students are required to use small tools.

Rating: N/A

No assembly required with tools.

Additional Comments: 

Gross Motor

Students are required to get up and move at any point. 

Rating: 3

Users must be able to follow, pick up and move Dash.

Students are required to lift up the robot or control panel at any point.

Rating: 1

Robots may be picked up and placed on desired surface to start use. Dash is awkward to lift.

Students are required to use two hands at once. 

Rating: 2 

Bimanual hand activities are recommended to pick up Dash. No bimanual hand activity is required to pick up Dot. 

Additional Comments: