Metadata Feedback Tool QA Test Plan


General QA Guidelines

General Use

  • Does the tool behave the way that you would expect
  • Are you surprised by anything
  • Does something take longer than you would expect
  • When the tool does something unexpected or takes too long to do something, does the tool provide appropriate feedback

QA Tests

Perform the following tests using each browser/system environment

Report issues at:

Please search for issues before reporting them, so as to limit the number of duplicate entries.

Metadata Feedback Tool Jira Filter

Unit Test


Launch the following website to execute unit tests.

Metadata Authoring Tool Test Suite:

Task Oriented Functional Tests


Ensures that the component is able to handle expected input and produce expected output. 

Perform these tasks on the following site.

Metadata Feedback Demo

The Wireframe for Metadata Feedback Tool

The top sticky bar

Test 1: Sticky

The match confirmation dialog

Test 2: The match confirmation dialog, open tooltip

Test 3: The match confirmation dialog, close tooltip

Test 4: The match confirmation dialog, open dialog

Test 5: The match confirmation dialog, clicking anywhere inside the dialog doesn't close itself

Test 6: The match confirmation dialog, close the dialog by clicking anywhere outside the dialog

Test 7: The match confirmation dialog, turn off the match confirmation

Test 8: The match confirmation dialog, close the dialog by pressing escape

Test 9: The match confirmation dialog, close the dialog by clicking anywhere in the UIO iframe

Test 10: The match confirmation dialog, work with UIO high contrast theme

The mismatch details dialog

Test 11: Repeat Test 2 - 10 to test those features for the mismatch details dialog

Test 12: The mismatch details dialog, entering text into "other" text area automatically checks the "other" checkbox

Test 13: The mismatch details dialog, uncheck the "other" checkbox automatically removes the text in the text area

Test 14: The mismatch details dialog, skip link

Test 15: The mismatch details dialog, submit button

The interaction between the dialog and the tooltip

Things to note:

  1. Only one dialog is open at a time
  2. Only one tooltip shows at a time
  3. The dialog and the tooltip could be open at the same time for different buttons. In that case, the arrow pointer also shows for the tooltip and removed for the dialog
  4. When a dialog shows, the tooltip for the same button should disappear

Test 16: Trigger the display of the tooltip for the match button

Test 17: Trigger the display of the dialog for the match button

Test 18: Trigger the display of another tooltip for the mismatch button

Test 19: Close the tooltip for the mismatch button

Test 20: Focus on the match button

Test 21: Focus off the match button

Tooltips for metadata buttons

Test 22: Open tooltip for the text button

Test 23: Close tooltip for the text button

Test 24: Open tooltip for the text button when a dialog is open

Test 25: Close tooltip for the text button when a dialog is open

Test 26: Repeat Test 22 - 25 for the metadata caption button, the transcript button and the audio button

Things to note:

  1. The tooltip content should be different and is based on Metadata Feedback Tool Design