Paul Zablosky: Yes I can hear fine. Go ahead and get started
Paul Zablosky: I can probably do my contributions through the keyboard
Ron Owston: Seamus best if you mute your mic when not talking
Shaw-Han: Hey everyone, I'm Shaw-Han Liem working on some of the FLUID design work. Don't have a mic, but I'm listening in.
Paul Zablosky: I'm new to most of this stuff. So I expect to listen more that speak.
Tara Bazler: Tara Bazler - Manager of the User Experience Group at Indiana University. We do a lot of work with development teams within the University, as well as outside clients. I'm involved in user design and testing methods that can be employed at various times throughout the development lifecycle. I'm very involved in the Kuali Project and as such I am interested in large, open community projects - so this project and how it will affect future projects is very interesting to me.
Mike Elledge: Welcome Shaw-Han!
Daphne: Welcome all!
Mike Elledge: Welcome Tara!
Rich Schwerdtfeger: I am Rich Schwerdtfeger. Mic is not working but I am the IBM Software accessibility architect and strategist
Colin Cark: Here's a link to the slides for the presentation Daphne is referring to:
Colin Cark:
Daphne: Thanks Colin!
dave cormier: fire away
Rich Schwerdtfeger: you doing accessibility checklists from WCAG 2?
Herb Wideman: mike needs to turn up his mike voume please
Daphne: can you speak up mike?
Herb Wideman: yes
Daphne: yes
Rich Schwerdtfeger: WCAG 1 is inadequate?
Colin Cark: I would suggest WCAG 2, yes.
Rich Schwerdtfeger: k
Herb Wideman: can they be accessed somewhere?
Rich Schwerdtfeger: Big problem with wCAg 1 is we would need to run with CSS and JavaScript disabled.
Rich Schwerdtfeger: 508 is being reworked as we speak
Rich Schwerdtfeger: I am involved with 508's rework
Rich Schwerdtfeger: we are working to harmonize wcag 2 with 508
Rich Schwerdtfeger: we should be ok if we follow wcag 2.
Rich Schwerdtfeger: wcag 2 will be out when we complete
Mike Elledge: Absolutely.
Rich Schwerdtfeger: it is public
Rich Schwerdtfeger: it is moving along well - now
Rich Schwerdtfeger: yes, we can use it now.
Rich Schwerdtfeger: have to look at what clayton wrote
Rich Schwerdtfeger: wcag 2 is targeted toward both rich web and regular applications
Rich Schwerdtfeger: which is where we are going
Rich Schwerdtfeger: they are working the cognitive issues now
Daphne: That's the list of IBM accessibility heuristics
Rich Schwerdtfeger: well, joe clark always has issues
Rich Schwerdtfeger:
Mike Elledge: LOL
Colin Cark: LOL
Mike Elledge: Sounds good to me, there a WCAG 2 version of aPrompt yet?
Rich Schwerdtfeger: I looked at these. these are pretty general and are not necessarily limited to cognitive
Tara Bazler: my background ismore in usability heuristic evaluations but I have also done accessibility reviews.
Rich Schwerdtfeger: I think they should be merged. There should be a convergence and it will be a learning experience for all.
Tara Bazler: I think we need to know both in order to accurately do a good review for either aspect
Rich Schwerdtfeger: At IBM we are moving accessibility toward usability
Mike Elledge: I think the idea of doing together in teams is a great one! And combined!
Rich Schwerdtfeger: that is a great idea Daphne
Mike Elledge: It would be a good paradigm, too, for other open source development
Rich Schwerdtfeger: I have someone at IBM who is a usability expert and who works on accessibility who I may be able to get to participate
Mike Elledge: We use three
dave cormier: I've also been in contact with some folks at the JISC who are interested in this
Daphne: That's great Rich!
Mike Elledge: I'd be happy to participate and partner...
Rich Schwerdtfeger: I will talk to him
Rich Schwerdtfeger: His name is Ed Kunzinger
Tara Bazler: if time is a problem perhaps each team should evaluate a single application
Mike Elledge: Is access to the different systems a potential issue?
Kathy 2: Mike, I would think so
Ron Owston: York will lead Moodle work
Kathy 2: Even looking at Sakai, there are tools that aren't part of our installations
Daphne: Excellent, thanks Ron!
Mike Elledge: We have a bunch of accessibility work that's been done on Sakai tools...
Kathy 2: OK
Mike Elledge: Some based on WCAG 1.0 and some with JAWS...
Colin Cark: Makes sense to me.
Mike Elledge:
Colin Cark: There is some strange audio distortion.
Ron Owston: Rich is trying to speak. Turn down volume
dave cormier: yup
dave cormier: and sounds like speakers as well...
Daphne: go ahead rich
dave cormier: might be a glitch
Herb Wideman: not hearing rich
Colin Cark: Sounds fine now.
dave cormier: the little grey mic is still on next to his name... i wonder why..
Mike Elledge: Great!
Tara Bazler: I would like to be involved with either UPortal or Sakai
dave cormier: I'd like to tag along with Ron and folks on Moodle.
Ron Owston: Dave, that sounds good.
Daphne: Excellent!
dave cormier: And I'll also be doing a little side project with Drupal...
Mike Elledge: Can our chat notes be saved to the FLUID wiki?
Kathy 2: I would also like to be involved with either UPortal or Sakai, but we don't have much uPortal running here yet
Colin Cark: Mike: Yes, I can post them. Unfortunately I didn't get to record the meeting.
Mike Elledge: Ah well, next time!
Mike Elledge: And which versions we will be reviewing...
Rich Schwerdtfeger: Fridays work for me
Mike Elledge: Me too
dave cormier: good for me too... not that I'm going to be much help in the near term
Paul Zablosky: Fridays are generally ok for me.
Tara Bazler: Friday's are good for me
Rich Schwerdtfeger: every other seems fine. If we need individual meetings we can always do that
Séamus : Fridays are good for me
Mike Elledge: Let's try every other and see how it goes
Colin Cark: We'll keep you posted if you can't make it Kathy.
dave cormier: that's happening again...
dave cormier: that's not Rich....
Herb Wideman: its rich
dave cormier: I don't believe he's doing that... i think the system is
Colin Cark: I posted a tentative list of volunteers for the heurisitcs group in the notes. Does this look accurate?
Mike Elledge: ghosts in the machine...
Herb Wideman: scroll down in notes
Mike Elledge: Thanks...
Ron Owston: add Herb to Moodle
Herb Wideman: Add me to Moodle
Séamus : +1 for Sakai
Mike Elledge: Maybe we can have some Moodle folks join us on accessibility...
Ron Owston: no problem
Herb Wideman: mic volume not the speaker volume
dave cormier: there is a certain irony to this...
Colin Cark: For those who weren't able to get their audio working today, I'd be happy to host some time here in the Breeze room to get you set up.
Daphne: Dave, seaumus and i were just giggling about the irony. Ah, technology!
Rich Schwerdtfeger: seems like my mic is not working well - it may be the problem.
dave cormier:
Rich Schwerdtfeger: my son used it recently - so there you have it
Ron Owston: bye everyone
Colin Cark: I think he asked if you can hang around for a few minutes after the meeting, Daphne.
clayton lewis: can you hang on for a minute to tell me what..
clayton lewis: great
dave cormier: cheers all...
Herb Wideman: good day
Séamus : bye, thx
Rich Schwerdtfeger: cheers
Kathy 2: Thanks for inviting me – bye
Tara Bazler: Thanks - see you next time
dave cormier: thansk for letting me tag along
Mike Elledge: Thanks and bye! Colin, you, me and Rich should talk soon...via wiki?