DIA Feedback Synopsis

Present: FE: Jess, James, Leah, Vicki, DIA: Jenifer, David and Amy

The teleconference proved to be very informative as it gave us perspective on the size of the DIA's physical collection (90 galleries to 5,000 objects). Their concerns center around the logistics of how the museum's collections information system is stored and the feasibility of how it could be aggregated into a FE system.

They are currently using TMS, which aggregates data into File Maker Pro. They also use a graphic design system that pulls press releases and other didactic material for distribution. They talked about the current workflow for entering data into the collections system. As a group we decided that more work needs to take place to understand the role of the gallery staff and the use of the larger system.

Overall the museum expressed interest in designing a "sandbox" that would allow the use of technology as a way to enhance /extend the physical exhibition space into a virtual space presence and provide way finding tools (like a printable map) to visitors.

Together we sculpted areas of concern:





Detailed Notes (Transcript in Coles notes)

*This text denotes information that needs clarifying.

DIA CONCERN: Scalability

Jess: Collin to visit DIA to work on the backend linkages

DIA databases:


Jess: Use what's already there



2 things happen with curating: NEED TO CLARIFY THIS
1 - Collect things based on a theme and also, for the family fitting room, where things are located in the museum.
2- Interview happens, then the expert creates and path based on the information

DIA: Proposing Tours from Docents POV

More David thoughts:

James: What do you want to have in the sandbox?

DIA: bridging to the community

Exhibit Design Stages:

Side Notes:

The Museum System (TMS)

What is TMS?

TMS is the cultural sector's leading collection management system. Developed in partnership with museum professionals, TMS streamlines the way you capture, manage and access your collection information. Daily activities such as cataloguing, media tracking, and coordinating exhibitions, have never been easier.
Collection information is divided into ten integrated modules, or record types: Objects, Constituents, Media, Exhibitions, Loans, Shipping, Bibliography, Events, Sites and Insurance. Since the modules are interlinked, information is entered once, remaining consistent and accessible.
TMS is open architecture, so your collection data can be easily and seamlessly integrated with other management systems
through either Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server.
Access to the information you need, the way you need it

We made TMS highly configurable, because no two collections are alike. The application comes with multiple search and viewing options, robust reporting features, and a customizable thesaurus.

TMS Light

If your organization does not support extensive exhibition and loan programs, TMS light may be your solution. TMS light comes with three modules: Objects, Constituents and Media.