


search bar ease of use

curated categories relevance

switching between preferences and presets

adjuster variations

conditions (page 11-15 / )


saving expectations ( )


* any device a user encounters responds to their preferences

user preferences are applied to devices, but devices maintain unique features

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any device a user encounters responds to their expectations

same interface is presented on every device (e.g. keepod)

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a user carries around a device they use to interact with their environment

the user’s personal device customizes their experience to fit their needs (e.g. buying tickets on phone vs person/machine kiosk)


a user first creates a preference set in any of the C4A tools

* a user first creates a preference set with specialized C4A tools (e.g. PMT, discovery tool)

* a user first creates a preference set through existing tools (e.g. OS system preference)

* a user first creates a preference set by importing a shared set created by someone else


* a user modifies preferences only in set of C4A tools

preferences automatically transfer between tools

a user modifies preferences through a wide range of C4A and non-C4A tools

preferences automatically transfer between tools? (e.g. what happens when user is making adjustments in both spaces?  how are they prioritized? how will common terms vs non-common terms be handled?)



a user's preferences represent all transformations or enhancements possible on a device

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* a user's preferences represent general transformations or enhancements possible on  devices (i.e. common terms)

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a user's preferences represent essential transformations or enhancements for the user to be able to interact with a device (simplified, need-based preference set - user selects from broader categories with limited granularity - presets?)

a user’s preference set effects settings for:

* web services (related to sharing preferences privacy work?) e.g. Google drive

a user’s preference set effects settings for:

* web services (related to sharing preferences privacy work?) e.g. Google drive

when refining/tweaking preferences, a user has access to:

things to consider


* a user has different preferences set depending on the context and the device responds accordingly

different sets of user preferences are applied to devices depending on the context

* the device monitors a user’s behaviour and makes context based adjustments

user preferences are changed automatically by the device (this could even be one preference set which contains multiple conditional preferences)

* user has only one preference set - if user has context-dependent preferences adjustments are done manually

things to consider

realistic use cases for multiple preference sets?

* a user can modify preferences for any context (device, location etc) from any context

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a user can only modify preferences for their current context

i.e. does user have to be in a given context to make preference adjustments for that context?


any modified setting is a preference (autosave always across all devices)

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* any modified setting is a preference for the device it was modified on,  a setting needs to be confirmed on a new device to become a preference for that device (auto-saving option)

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* modified settings need to be confirmed to be a preference (explicit save & apply button)

when a user re-visits a device, the preferences applied are the same as they last left the device

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when a user re-visits a device, the appropriate last saved set is applied to the device