User interface options mocked up in Inclusive Learning Handbook


The following mockups show the use of UI Options in the context of the Inclusive Learning Handbook. In particular, they show UIO as a "behind the page" panel, accessed by pulling down the page (via "Display Preferences"; nomenclature tbd).

Several options are mocked, including:

The downloadable .mov additionally demonstrates some of the panel interactions.

View mock interaction video

> Download the mock interaction in .mov (best experienced in fullscreen)


Step-by-step mockup of UI Options (UIO) in Inclusive Learning Handbook (ILH)

Below: 1. Inclusive learning handbook, as-is.

Below: 2. ILH sliding down to reveal UIO panel behind the page.

Below: 3. UIO panel full revealed.

Below: 4. Rich contrast panel drop-down.

Below: 5. White-on-black contrast applied.

Below: 7. Single-column layout applied.

Various options applied to Inclusive Learning Handbook

Below: Yellow-on-black contrast applied.

Below: Larger text applied.

Below: Times New Roman style applied, stacked onto larger text.

Below: Black-on-yellow contrast applied, stacked onto larger text and Times New Roman style.