The privacy policy outlined below is loosely based on the Apache Foundation Privacy Policy

TL;DR:  Assume contributions are public; Managed websites may include analytic trackers for site improvement.


Fluid is an open, accessible, and inclusive community. We have a very permissive (non) privacy policy that aligns with our goals and values. All contributions, regardless of platform or media, should be considered public. This includes, but is not limited to, e-mails on public lists, wikis, chat rooms, video conferences, documentation, source code, and design artifacts. Occasionally, some contributions may be considered private (e.g. for security or legal reasons); however, generally these will be indicated as such. 

Although contributions are shared publicly, we are still limited by copyright and patent law in how your contributions are used. All contributions made to the Fluid community are required to be licensed under an approved open source license. Please see Fluid Licensing and the individual projects for more details on licensing.

Website Usage

The Fluid community makes use of many websites for our project work; some are managed by our community and others are hosted through a third party service. This privacy policy only covers those for which we manage. Please see the individual privacy policies of all third party services for information about how they handle and mange your data.

Websites managed by the Fluid community may collect metrics to help us better understand how our sites are used and make improvements for visitors. We are currently using a self-hosted instance of Matomo for analytics collection. Please see the Matomo Project's What Does Matomo Track? page for more information about what data is collected. Some of our sites may use Google Analytics for tracking, in those cases your data is handled under Google's privacy policy

By using our sites, you consent to data collection in the manner described above.



See the UIO+ Privacy Policy for details.

Gamepad Navigator

See the Gamepad Navigator Privacy Policy for details.