
“Tech-Inclusion: Developing Coding Classes for Youths who are Deaf” will be facilitated by Claudia McKoy of Creative Amnesty. Creative Amnesty is an UpSurgence initiative that focuses on finding practical ways to include marginalized communities into our emerging tech-based economy. Last fall, the Creative Amnesty’s team worked with community leaders, interpreters and coding educators to design coding classes that were accessible for children who are Deaf.

At this Wednesday’s Inclusive Design research Centre community meeting at OCAD University, we are inviting the community to join in a discussion to explore how to best develop our coding classes to ensure that they are highly accessible, impactful, and cost effective. We are also seeking insights on the best tools use and what resources we ought to access to scale the project to ensure as many children as possible can enjoy the benefits of the program.

Our discussion will include three key areas of focus: