For the Community Meeting on April 15, 2015 we spent the time testing the Infusion Documentation.

We took notes on Pirate Pad at and they are reproduced below:


Simon: Tutorials, IE11 Windows
Sepideh: Infusion dComponents, Inversion of Control, Events, Safari
Jon: FF, Infusion docs section Change Applier onwards.
Dana: Chrome, Infusion 
Anastasia: Prefs Framework, General on IE11 Windows
Michelle: FF, Tutorials


For Later:

Known Broken Links

- broken link (404) to Infusion Components in first paragraph of Renderer Component Trees
- Link to "Useful functions and events" from last row of table on Component Grades page links to Infusion "Renderer Components" page instead of Tutorial "Renderer Components" page (the former has no section called "useful functions and events"

- "model state" link goes to Framework Concepts page, but not immediately clear what the user should read from there. "Model state" isn't even mentioned on the Framework Concepts page.
- Acronym "POJO" is used but not defined. Should we define such terms?
          suggestion: link it to ?

- Invoker link goes to "compact" section of that document.
      - should invoker link go to Invoker doc and the "compact" word previous to it go to the "Compact" section of the invoker document?
             - this should be re-examined, since there's nothing in the 'compact' section of the invoker documentation!
Above-mentioned ChangeApplier-related problems files under

- "markup agnoticism" link should link to "markup agnoticism" section of the Framework Concepts document
- "parent grade" link should jump to "Specifying parent grades" section of the Component Grades document?
Renderer issues  filed in
Jon's Notes:

- wrong category. Should be API, not Infusion section. Will be fixed with FLUID-5791
- Listeners link goes to a document called "Events" which doesn't have content - just 3 links to other documents. Confusing?

- fluid.render link goes to specific lines in code in github - these lines may change over time - should we hard-code such references in the docs? Perhaps better to generalize it by saying "See fluid.render on this page".
Renderer issues  filed in

Styling Issues:
- Lists are rendered in a smaller font than the rest of the body? Example: Renderer.html
   No, the first paragraph is just in a larger font than the rest of the page

Sepideh's Notes:

Code snippets look very much like buttons
Would be nice for ToC to be "sticky" and separately scrollable
Declarative Configuration: is commonly appearing options the same as component configuration option?
IoC: Component link is broken
-Model Component: the applier, model, and the changeapplieroptions, prototree, producetree, rendererFNOptions anchors in the code snippet is not working
-Event Components:Is listener record similar to Infusion Event System?

-Event Components:Is listener record similar to Infusion Event System?

-Renderer Components: Prortotree link is broken
 -Renderer Components:Produce tree link is broken  
Renderer issues  filed in

-Components Grade: Useful functions and events link to Renderer components
-Delivering a dynamic gradeName via an options distribution: mixed links to mixin
In this doc, there are some internal links to section headers, but the section headers are formatted as code, so the anchor name isn't working

Simon's Notes

Dana's Notes:

- section links not visible in narrow responsive view
- is there any way we can have ToC scroll separately? this would make it possible to always see where you are in ToC (anchor view to current location)
- Understanding Infusion Components - section What Does a Component Look Like - there is a section of text "to customize the component" that is styled like a code block
- Component Grades first table - Description text in first row is much bigger than all the rest

- Link to "Useful functions and events" from last row of table on Component Grades page links to Infusion "Renderer Components" page instead of Tutorial "Renderer Components" page (the former has no section called "useful functions and events"

- broken link (404) to Infusion Components in first paragraph of Renderer Component Trees
Filed in

Anastasia's Notes: