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[07:50:08 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> Justin_o i'm going to review yr fss stuff now! sorry i didn't get to it yesterday
[07:50:18 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> heidi_: no problem.. thanks for looking at it
[07:50:25 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> reset & focus
[07:57:53 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> jameswy i pushed new code to my branch at the end of the day yesterday (clean up). i broke the font-size tho, but easily fixable prob
[07:58:09 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> heidi_: Alrighty, thanks.
[07:58:17 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> What are you going to be working on today? Should we sync up?
[07:59:14 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> jameswy need to spend a bit of time this morning looking at some FSS stuff, but after that UIO. i'd say continue w/ slider
[07:59:32 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> need to think about how to theme UIO itself...
[07:59:50 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> heidi_: Sounds good.
[08:00:01 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> cindyli how's UIO going on your end?
[08:01:56 CDT(-0500)] <cindyli> heidi_: i'm working on michelle's branch, almost done with the text slider, will merge it into my branch once completed. after that, will work on the tests for text slider and ui options. once all these working, it can be merged into trunk
[08:02:10 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> cindyli sounds great
[08:02:22 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> then we can merge our work with the trunk, and fix up the broken stuff
[08:22:56 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> hey Justin_o - this was the commit to review right?
[08:23:21 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> looks fine to me tho i wonder if we can change InlineEdit.css to use fl-focus instead ?
[08:23:30 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> on those containers
[08:40:12 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> Justin_o there are a lot of places :focus is in demos .css that could be replaced by fl-focus ... not sure it's a big deal tho
[08:40:38 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> heidi_: sorry was chatting with jameswy about git stuff and missed your messages
[08:40:49 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> np
[08:41:08 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> for inlineEdit the size of the focus border was different...
[08:41:24 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> we can talk to jameswy about switching that if he's okay with it
[08:41:55 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> heidi_: if you think we can switch to fl-focus it may be better
[08:42:30 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> heidiv, Justin_o: What's our fl-focus styling right now at?
[08:42:56 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> 2px i think
[08:43:22 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> Justin_o ah, if it's different that's fine. i'm noticing other files like gridReorderer.css for example has .demo-gridReorderer-alphabetGrid div :focus ...where we could just put fl-focus on that div instead.
[08:43:40 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> jameswy: it's at the bottom here
[08:43:41 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> yeah 2px
[08:44:11 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> heidi_: yah.. if it's the same then i think we may want to switch it
[08:44:16 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> That border bothers me to no end, aesthetically, (tongue)
[08:45:11 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> Justin_o i just did a search in webapp for :focus and found a lot of similar situations. do you think it's worth cleaning up? i'm not sure it's a big deal, when time is of the essence...
[08:45:27 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> but it would reflect the switch to using fl-focus on specific items better
[08:46:12 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> heidi_: hmm.. tough call.. if the changes are simple and straight forward then i guess we should change them.. if not i think we can leave them for later
[08:46:46 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> Justin_o alright, i'll let you decide. other than that, looks good (smile)
[08:46:59 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> i'll look at the reset stuff now
[08:47:15 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> heidi_: thanks...
[08:47:22 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> i'll put a msg in the JIRA about what we just talked about
[09:00:05 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> Justin_o is fss-reset.css supposed to be empty? i thought it was going to @import
[09:01:24 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> heidi_: it should have that.. did i not commit it?
[09:02:01 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> Justin_o empty for me.
[09:02:33 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> heidi_: strange
[09:02:34 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o>
[09:02:41 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> and in that case is it necessary to replace fss-reset.css in the files with the two base files? i guess that makes sense. it's only for backwards comat right
[09:03:07 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> Justin_o weird...
[09:03:47 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> heidi_: yes... the fss-reset.css is deprecated and only there for backwards compatability
[09:05:29 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> Justin_o i re-checked out/reloaded the file and see the imports now - weird!
[09:06:23 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> heidi_: yes.. that's pretty strange.. don't think i've seen that before
[09:15:29 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: ping
[09:15:39 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: hello
[09:17:56 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: for 1.6rc1, its attr has been changed. It now returns "undefined" for attribute that are not found.
[09:18:45 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: where as in <= 1.5.2, it returns empty string("") for known attribute, and undefined for unknown attribute.
[09:19:02 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: this change affect the tooltip.ui plugin and causes failure to infusion fluid unit test.
[09:19:56 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: is it just the unit tests that are broken, or is the tooltip broken too
[09:21:08 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: unfortunately, the tooltip itself is broken.
[09:21:24 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: (sad)
[09:21:39 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> did you happen to notice if it's been updated in the jquery ui github repo
[09:22:04 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: the problematic line got updated but when I tried using it, it brings down all other tests
[09:22:39 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: basically, it is something like: a = target.attr('title')
[09:23:16 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: in earlier version that gives "", but now it gives "undefined". And now throwing an error because it cannot find do things with undefined.
[09:23:58 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: I tried changing that to "target.attr('title', '')" and it's fine again. I also tried adding "title='this is a title'" to the HTML markup, it works as well.
[09:24:06 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: we might want to look at updating our tooltip wrapper to work with the new version of the tooltip
[09:25:22 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: i guess what you are saying is that you had set the title for it to work...
[09:25:24 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> ?
[09:26:22 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: well, or that it requires a title to work. In previous version, if title is not defined, it's an empty string so it did not matter. Now, if you don't have a title, it is undefined and fails.
[09:27:03 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: when I was looking at the tooltip code yesterday in its github, I think that's already addressed.
[09:27:51 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: so think we'd probably want to look at updating to the last tooltip code too
[09:29:05 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: probably.
[09:29:34 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: we are upgrading it to 1.6 right?
[09:29:58 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: the focus/focusin is still a problem
[09:31:15 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: if it comes out in time, i think so
[09:31:22 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> what was the problem with focus/focusin again
[09:31:24 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> ?
[09:35:12 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o:
[09:35:53 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: When trigger('focus') is called with tabindex in place. It fires focus, focusin, focus. Notice 'focus' is fired twice.
[09:36:29 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> oh interesting
[09:36:36 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> just because it has a tabindex?
[09:37:10 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: attached is the unit test for it. here is a quick demo on console.log if you wanna see,
[09:37:53 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: I think with tabindex it would be a problem. Not sure if it's the same for other attribute.
[09:38:15 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: I haven't tested other attribute; but yes, if you have 'tabindex' in your markup, it seems to fire twice.
[09:38:45 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: wierd.. did you mention this to the jquery people?
[09:39:10 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: Did, but not the tabindex part yet (cause that's a new finding..haha)
[09:39:24 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> ah i see.. cool
[09:39:42 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> did you get any response back yet?
[09:41:04 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: Nope, i guess i should ask them again
[09:43:30 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: weird thing is I don't know what to expect from their focus. They told me before that if you trigger('focus'), it should trigger focusin as well.
[09:43:49 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: for some reasons in the unit test (without tab index), it is not triggering the focusin.
[09:44:00 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: on the contrary, if it has a tabindex, it triggers twice.
[09:44:37 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: that is strange...
[09:45:07 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> when you say trigger twice, you mean focus is triggered twice or focus and focusin are triggered
[09:46:31 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: focus twice. focusin once. It is more clear(i found) to see it fire in sequence on that little file i have with console.log.
[09:47:41 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: okay... i'll take a peak at it
[09:47:43 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: or if you prefer, you can just clone my branch and run the test. You will see the "trigger" acting weird. Assuming my testcases are written correctly ;P
[09:48:50 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: it's in your FLUID-4113-test branch?
[09:49:02 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: Yes.
[09:49:19 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: in, component-tests/reorderer/html/jQueryEventFocus-test.html
[09:49:23 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: okay.. i just downloaded it from github.. i'll try it out
[09:49:41 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: Thanks for checking!
[09:50:51 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: no problem.. so you are getting a failing test when there is no tabindex too
[09:51:08 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: right. But for a different test.
[09:51:21 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: yes..
[09:51:29 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> also where is that other test page you had with the console logs?
[09:52:04 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: in, component-tests/reorderer/js/harris2.html
[09:52:23 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: it should not have been in the js folder but it was solely for testing purposes only..
[09:53:01 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: okay.. we probably wouldn't name it "harris2" if it went into the repo either (wink)
[09:53:12 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: You may want to modify the script tag, since it is pointing to the most github jquery build
[09:54:23 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: in this branch, i also have all the jquery versions inside lib/jquery/core/js/. If you want to try different versions, just rm jquery.js; cp jquery-1.x.x.js jquery.js
[09:55:02 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: okay.. so i'm noticing that on load i get a count of 2
[09:55:13 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> but if i tab away and come back it only increments by 1
[09:55:33 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: yes.
[09:56:48 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: if you simply click on the title, it increments by 1 as well.
[09:58:00 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: now if you take out "tabindex=0" from the markup, rerun that html. You will be amused.
[10:01:06 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: interesting.. so i'm still getting a focus event when it's not even focusable
[10:02:03 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: yet you can still call $('#qunit-header').focus()
[10:02:21 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: or $('#qunit-header').trigger('focus')
[10:03:25 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: I remember couple of people asked me why i wanted to bind focusin
[10:04:20 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> so with those calls.. i'm just getting a single increment
[10:04:37 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: right.
[10:06:12 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: then if you look at the unittest, by trigger either "focus" or "focusin" with tabindex or not, the counters are all different
[10:08:13 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: okay.. in the example page though.. after page load in both tabindex cases i get only increments of one on focus calls
[10:08:25 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> it's only the first time that it's a problem.. is that what you are seeing?
[10:09:40 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: "first time" as in page load, then yes. But upon page refresh then it should occur again.
[10:11:08 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: yep
[10:11:36 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: Without tabindex, it's completely normal.
[10:12:24 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: I am guessing tabindex fires a focusin as well.
[10:13:22 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: also, there is no fluid code on the page so it can't be the FluidDocument.js problem since it binds a focusin event as well.
[10:13:42 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: okay
[10:13:45 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> that's good to know
[10:13:57 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: when I asked the jquery people, their first response was always "why are you binding focusin event, take it out"
[10:14:37 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: so i tried taking it out in my example, the problem would then disappear.
[10:15:59 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: were you using focusin instead of focus?
[10:16:51 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: I was using trigger('focus') all along.
[10:17:40 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: but binded 'focus' and 'focusin' like it is now in the github example.
[10:17:51 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> oh okay
[10:18:05 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: and i also tried comment out the "movable.bind('focusin', doNothing);" just to see how it would be.
[10:18:37 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: once that's commented out, then the count is correct.
[10:19:34 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> hmm
[10:21:02 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> heidi_: what do you think of this
[10:22:11 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: ah i see what you are doing now
[10:22:19 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> Justin_o i'll check it out
[10:22:57 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: okay.. so you are programmatically calling trigger("focus") on load... which when there is tabindex triggers things twice
[10:23:30 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: so does focusin actually trigger focus, instead of the other way around?
[10:23:47 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> Justin_o this looks great - simple and organised. thanks for doing this!
[10:23:53 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> i like the demo (big grin)
[10:24:26 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: From what I remember, i think the changes in 1.5.2 contains a fix which makes focusin to call focus.
[10:24:33 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> heidi_: thanks (smile)
[10:24:41 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: which was the diff I showed you last week.
[10:24:56 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: ah okay
[10:25:05 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> and our problem is that we bind a focusin event?
[10:27:00 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> heidi_: i wonder if i should move that from my github space to the fluid-project github space
[10:27:17 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> Justin_o that prob makes sense
[10:27:36 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> heidi_: yah... okay.. i'll see how i can do that
[10:27:41 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> cool
[10:27:59 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: Yes, binding focusin (with tabindex) introduced this problem in 1.5.2+ within FluidDocument.js. However I don't know if this is actually a jQuery bug or not, since the API didn't say that we can't bind focusin.
[10:29:41 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: i think i understand.. you are trying to convince the jquery people that focusin behaving differently when there is a tabindex is a bug
[10:32:06 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: Yea, well I didn't know tabindex was also a cause until recently. But yes, I was trying to convince them that their focus + focusin + trigger gives different results.
[10:33:16 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: do you think now that the focusin with tabindex is the problem or are there other things as well
[10:33:18 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> ?
[10:34:06 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: At this point, I think it's tabindex and focusin together is the problem.
[10:34:58 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: okay... nice detective work.. (smile)
[10:35:08 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> i guess you should update the jquery issue
[10:35:52 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> fluid-everyone: I'm having audio problems with the stand up, so i'll give my update here. I'm still working on debugging the table of contents unit tests with the jquery 1.5.2 upgrade.
[10:36:49 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> The changes are pointing to jQuery's ajax wrapper's changed significantly since 1.4, so I'm digging further into that
[10:48:45 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> mlam: weird... tableofcontent tests are passing on my machine
[10:48:55 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> get out.
[10:49:09 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> wait....are you working off of jon kremer's branch?
[10:49:12 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> mlam: haha are you using my branch?
[10:49:43 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> harris which branch are you working off from?
[10:50:39 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> mlam: I am working on jkkremer-FLUID-4113. I test my changes on FLUID-4113-test before pushing it there though. On my FLUID-4113-test, it's passing; let me try jkkremer-FLUID-4113
[10:50:51 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> ok
[10:51:32 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> mlam, justin_o: should we be testing 1.6rc1 or both 1.6rc1 and 1.5.2?
[10:51:58 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> mlam, justin_o: or we still haven't decided which versions to upgrade to for infusion 1.4?
[10:52:08 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> I thought it was 1.6?
[10:54:12 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> mlam: i am on jkk's branch and my component-tests/tableOfContents/html/TableOfContents-test.html are passing
[10:54:33 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> huh!?!
[10:54:51 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> ok, let me grab it again
[10:55:39 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong, mlam: I think we'll aim for 1.6 but it will depend on when it comes out..
[10:55:44 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> hopefully it will be soon
[10:55:49 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> ok, cool
[10:56:39 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> mlam: to clarify, i am working on this one:
[10:56:57 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> ok, thx
[11:03:08 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> harriswong: it's still failing fo rme
[11:03:13 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> what browser are you testing on?
[11:03:17 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> mlam: ff4
[11:03:28 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> ohh
[11:03:31 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> did you try on chrome?
[11:03:36 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> mlam: let me try now
[11:03:39 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> i'm testing with FF 3.6
[11:04:07 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> mlam: chrome is fine as well
[11:04:24 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> green bar at the top of the test?
[11:04:34 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> mlam: this rings a bell....i experienced this with justin_o before, i am running this on localhost/ are you running it on file system?
[11:04:51 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> yah, running it locally from my comp
[11:05:10 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> mlam: local ajax issue maybe
[11:05:59 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> mlam: stalled, i got a
[11:06:16 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> Justin_o: harriswong , is it a browser setting?
[11:06:49 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> mlam: for ff it is.. you can type in "about:config" in the address bar
[11:07:05 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> then do search for security or strict origin policy
[11:07:20 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> and double click to switch the boolean value
[11:08:50 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> Justin_o: the value should be false, right?
[11:09:11 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> I remember doing this on my work machine a while back
[11:11:55 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> after changing the setting, i'm getting the same result as expected. strange how it's passing on FF4. I'll upgrade my FF and see
[11:13:11 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> mlam: hmm.. that is strange
[11:13:35 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> yah, Justin_o is it passing for you?
[11:13:53 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> mlam: not sure.. i'll try to download it and see
[11:13:58 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> ok
[11:17:02 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> justin_o: should i now leave the focus problem? and try the new tooltip plugin and try to renew the wrapper?
[11:17:31 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: did you come up with a workaround for the focus problem?
[11:18:26 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: By not including "tabindex" in the element, otherwise, not yet.
[11:18:40 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: okay.. so for reorderer we still have a problem
[11:18:45 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> ?
[11:19:00 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: correct.
[11:19:20 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: Also, any component that uses tooltip will have a problem.
[11:19:44 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: i guess file a specific ticket for this issue with jquery.. and provide the sample code and then i guess move onto to the tooltip
[11:20:17 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: Okay.
[11:20:52 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: thanks
[11:20:57 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> np
[11:24:14 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> mlam: the toc tests are working in safari for me, but hang in FF 4
[11:24:57 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> ah ok
[11:25:03 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> mlam: just got an error "template.indexOf is not a function"
[11:25:05 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> it hangs in chrome too
[11:25:06 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> yah
[11:25:07 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> that's the one
[11:25:22 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> It's jQuery's ajax wrapper
[11:25:46 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> mlam: yes.. this seems like something i talked with harriswong about
[11:25:51 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> it may be the same issue
[11:25:54 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> They've added a bunch of enhancements to it and instead of the responseText being a string, they've returned a XML doc
[11:26:56 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> mlam: is that the new default?
[11:27:23 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> I'm not really sure....was just looking into the ajax function itself to see what it's doing
[11:27:28 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> but it seems that way.
[11:30:33 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> Justin_o: did you chat about this with harriswong in today? i didn't keep up with the conversation between the 2 of you in here today
[11:31:22 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> mlam: no.. i think this was last week or earlier
[11:31:31 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: do you remember that?
[11:32:06 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: Negative.
[11:32:17 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: like you said, maybe last week or even earlier...
[11:32:20 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> mlam^
[11:32:30 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> ok
[11:32:44 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> do you vaguely remember what the conclusion was?
[11:34:19 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> mlam: probably "wait till mike get his hands on it, so let's not worry abut it now." jks. Sorry, I don't remember...
[11:34:28 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> haha
[11:34:48 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> mlam: sorry i don't recall either.. i think we tried to force it to get text and that may not have worked either
[11:34:52 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> can't remember
[11:35:01 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> Yah, i've tried that as well
[11:35:03 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> it didn't work
[11:36:50 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> mlam: maybe you can try to make simple example and tease out the differences.. i could be wrong but i think we did a straight ajax call to something and got it back as text..
[11:37:05 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> ok
[11:37:07 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> so there maybe something in our fetchTemplates function that is causing the problem
[11:37:35 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> it doesn't look like it
[11:37:50 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> I did compare the ajax in 1.4 and 1.5.2. they're much different
[11:38:14 CDT(-0500)] <mlam> the responseText doesn't get set until after the ajax call, and the options passed into ajax are done the same way
[11:39:26 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: apparently adding "return false" to focusin binded function will stop bubbling.
[11:40:58 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: that sounds right.. are you going to try that for the reorderer?
[11:44:03 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: yes. And trying to figure out why taking out "tabindex" causes focusin to die.
[11:44:34 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> Justin_o: I think i will have to try it on FluidDocument.js instead of within reorderer, since that's where it binds focusin.
[11:45:16 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> harriswong: makes sense
[12:15:05 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> jameswy: for the inlineEdit demo
[12:15:22 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> would it be okay if the undo/redo buttons had a 2px outline.. or would you prefer to keep it at 1px
[12:15:58 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> Justin_o: 2px is fine. What's the colour code we're using again for it?
[12:16:09 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> #000
[12:16:14 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> Justin_o: Change that to:
[12:16:14 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> it's a black outline
[12:16:43 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> jameswy: that would be out of the scope of the issue i'm working on at the moment
[12:16:56 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> but if you'd like to file a new jira for that i'll try to take a look
[12:16:59 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> Haha, gah, alright.
[12:17:16 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> jameswy: so i'll leave it as is if you are going to want us to change the colour later
[12:17:24 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> Justin_o: Sounds good.
[12:17:32 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> thanks
[12:23:03 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> heidi_: i just made some changes to some of the demos to make use of fl-focus.. would you be able to take another look at my FLUID-3880 branch
[12:23:04 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> thanks
[12:26:47 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> Justin_o sure
[13:22:05 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> anastasiac: i pushed the changes to the fss reset to the project repo
[13:22:09 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> i've updated this page
[13:22:17 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> which had made reference about fss-reset.css
[13:22:36 CDT(-0500)] <anastasiac> Justin_o, excellent! I was going to be looking into this today. Thanks for updating the docs - I'll have a look
[13:23:24 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> anastasiac: np and thanks
[13:26:10 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> Justin_o do you know pros of using <button> vs <input type="button"> ?
[13:26:44 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> heidi_: hmm.. not entirely sure.. i think one of them you can style and the other you can't... as one difference
[13:26:45 CDT(-0500)] <EricDalquist> is there a way to have the pager initially sort on more than one column? Like sort on A then B?
[13:27:03 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> Justin_o i wonder about browser support?
[13:27:43 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> heidi_: I guess <button> is not considered an input..?
[13:28:10 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> EricDalquist: hmm.. not that I recall. I think it was just the one column you could sort by. anastasiac do you know for sure?
[13:28:53 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> harriswong what do you mean?
[13:29:46 CDT(-0500)] <EricDalquist> thanks Justin_o
[13:29:53 CDT(-0500)] <anastasiac> Justin_o, EricDalquist: as far as I know, the Pager doesn't do multi-column sort. I'd have to actually double-check the code to be 100% certain, but that's my understanding
[13:30:22 CDT(-0500)] <EricDalquist> ok, I'll go find out how important it is ... and if it is important enough there may be a patch coming your way (smile)
[13:30:50 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> EricDalquist: thanks (smile)
[13:31:17 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> heidi_: in a form, i think a <button>content</button> tag submits "content" in some IE; <input type="button" value="v" /> will submits its value "v"
[13:31:44 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> harriswong ah, i see. so different ways of accessing its info via js
[13:32:15 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> so more <input> for form, and <button> for other stuff
[13:32:22 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> that kinda makes sense
[13:32:27 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> thanks for that!
[13:34:03 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> heidi_: I think.. hope it helps a bit
[13:34:21 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> for sure
[13:35:47 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> heidi_: here is more info if you are interested, i just dug it up from
[13:35:52 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> heidi_: "Buttons created with the BUTTON element function just like buttons created with the INPUT element, but they offer richer rendering possibilities: the BUTTON element may have content. For example, a BUTTON element that contains an image functions like and may resemble an INPUT element whose type is set to "image", but the BUTTON element type allows content."
[13:36:05 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> heidi_:
[13:36:32 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> harriswong ah, so that says no real difference, just button has more styling
[13:36:43 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> heidi_: i think so...
[13:37:12 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> kinda confusing. hm!
[13:39:22 CDT(-0500)] <harriswong> heidi_: i wonder what the html5 spec is for button and input button
[13:58:37 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> anastasiac: also made changes to this page for fss-reset
[13:58:52 CDT(-0500)] <anastasiac> Justin_o, thanks
[13:59:36 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> heidi_: here's some info about some slight semantic differences
[14:00:45 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> Justin_o aha, that's along the lines of what harriswong was saying earlier. i'll stick with input for form elements - thanks!
[14:01:17 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> heidi_: np problem.. here's the html5 info if you are interested
[14:31:05 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> heidi_: Any idea why the UIO standalone demo is broke in your branch?
[14:31:14 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> (in FF)
[14:31:19 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> (works in Safari!)
[14:32:16 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> jameswy i'm not sure exactly - i think because a lot of the controls behave differently now. sure it works in safari? (clear cache?). once cindy's fixes are ready we can start tweaking the model to reflect the new data
[14:33:00 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> heidi_: It doesn't work-work (i.e., it's not functional), but the UI at least shows up.
[14:33:16 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> In FF, nothing shows up at all except the title (i.e., UIO isn't being injected)
[14:34:01 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> jameswy oh no UI. that's weird... let me check my github. works for me. git was being weird with me this morning when i was viewing justin's branches
[14:35:49 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> jameswy i'll push my recent changes... then check github
[14:35:54 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> heidi_: Could it be that FF configuration issue?
[14:36:06 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> jameswy hm, but you changed it the other day...
[14:36:13 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> heidi_: I'm on my home machine, so I don't have it configured the same way as at work.
[14:36:14 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> or that was yr work comp. yeah it could be that
[14:36:35 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> heidi_: What was the option called again?
[14:37:04 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> jameswy let me check mine..
[14:37:09 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> how do i get the config page again? (tongue)
[14:37:15 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> heidi_: about:config
[14:37:36 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> jameswy search for security
[14:37:41 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> it's called strict_file_policy
[14:37:46 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> set to false
[14:38:00 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> oops strict_origin_policy jameswy
[14:38:07 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> heidi_: Found it, (smile)
[14:38:10 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> cool
[14:38:15 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> heidi_: That was the problem, (smile)
[14:38:20 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> ah phew
[14:38:27 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> i'll push latest anyway
[14:38:57 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> heidi_: Looks quite different between Saf and FF, :/
[14:39:14 CDT(-0500)] <cindyli> heidi_: i've merged michelle's branch into my github branch, FLUID-4171. you may want to update your local and u will have a functioning text slider
[14:39:26 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> cindyli will do
[14:40:13 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> cindyli did you push to yr git hub?
[14:40:20 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> says i'm up to date
[14:40:34 CDT(-0500)] <cindyli> ha good point. one sec
[14:41:02 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> jameswy doesn't look that diff between the two. btw, i just pushed again so pull from my github
[14:41:15 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> heidi_: Alrighty, thanks.
[14:41:20 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> need icons for the save/cancel buttons
[14:41:48 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> jameswy the min width isn't right... gotta fix so it doesn't smush
[14:41:54 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> heidi_: Exporting now.
[14:41:59 CDT(-0500)] <cindyli> heidi_: pushed
[14:42:00 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> thanks
[14:42:02 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> thanks
[14:42:03 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> (smile)
[14:42:03 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> heidi_: The checkboxes are all off on Safari too.
[14:42:16 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> jameswy off?
[14:42:30 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> heidi_: In Safari, they're enlarged and pixelated. At least on my instance.
[14:42:41 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> jameswy for me ff is large, safari normal
[14:42:41 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> heidi_: Scratch that.
[14:42:50 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> heidi_: That's what I meant, (smile)
[14:42:55 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> heidi_: Why is that?
[14:42:57 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> gotta figure out a nicer way of making big checkboxes, yes
[14:43:10 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> right now a width/height is set on the input
[14:43:14 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> guess it doesn't work in safari
[14:43:18 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> Hm.
[14:43:27 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> Safari doesn't seem to be honoring the rich-text dropdown either.
[14:44:54 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> jameswy the rich dropdown isn't there. it will be part of the UIO fix...right now it takes the data from the model
[14:45:09 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> so the values with classnames aren't loaded right now
[14:45:15 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> just what it was before
[14:45:21 CDT(-0500)] <jameswy> Weird. I see it in FF though.
[14:45:56 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> jameswy strange. i wonder if i see diff cos i have cindy's branch merged in
[14:49:12 CDT(-0500)]

<heidi_> Justin_o do you know why in fss-layout there's .fl-col-flex2, .fl-col-flex3, .fl-col-flex4, .fl-col-flex5

Unknown macro: { overflow}

[14:49:20 CDT(-0500)] <heidi_> i'm seeing scrollbars cos of it. sigh!

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